PJM Political: Nudging Tea Party America Past the Terrible Twos

For our listeners who also tune in via Sirius-XM on the POTUS Channel (#110 on Sirius, #130 on XM) we’ll be back in our original timeslots starting this coming Saturday (2/20) at 6:00 am, 12:00 pm, 6:00 pm, and Sunday at midnight. (All times eastern.) In the meantime, don’t miss this exclusive podcast-only edition of this week’s show:


Join host Steve Green of VodkaPundit.com for a snapshot of Washington and beyond:

  • From PJTV.com, recorded in the midst of anti-Israeli protesters at UC Irvine, Roger L. Simon interviews Michael Oren. Oren is the Israeli ambassador to the US, and he and Roger will discuss how close Iran is to having nuclear weapons – and what, if anything can be done in the time left to stop them. (Read a transcript of Roger’s interview with Oren here, and watch Part One and Part Two of the interview on PJTV)
  • Recorded for PJTV.com during the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville, Glenn Reynolds interviews new media mastermind Andrew Breitbart on the state of the new media, old media, and why journalists who’ve never met a protest they didn’t want to enthusiastically cover hate the Tea Parties so, very, very much.
  • The Tea Party Movement has come a staggeringly long way in just a year’s time. But like any fast-growing movement, there have been a few rifts. From PJTV.com’s Trifecta, Bill Whittle, Scott Ott and Steve discuss how to get the Tea Parties through the Terrible Twos
  • And of course, Steve brings you the Week in Blogs, as only he — and Sissypuss! — can.
  • Produced by your humble Blogospheric narrator.

Tune in here to listen!


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