Douthat To Replace Kristol At NYT

Columbia Journalism Review notes, “Word has it that the Atlantic’s Ross Douthat will be picking up where Bill Kristol left off at the New York Times’s op-ed page. Here’s the email the Times’s Andrew Rosenthal sent to colleagues announcing the hire”:



Some exciting news. We’ve hired Ross Douthat, currently of Atlantic. Ross will be joining the Times staff in mid-April and will be based in the Washington bureau. He will start out primarily online, but will soon be writing with increasing frequency, and then regularity, on the Op-Ed page, in the Monday slot opposite Paul. At some point, he’ll also resume his work as a blogger, which I highly recommend.

If you don’t know Ross, you’ll find him funny and smart and sharp. He’s going to be a great addition to our team. I know you’ll make him welcome.


Seems like a good choice; CJR post found via Allahpundit on Twitter.

Update: Breakthrough for Bloggers?

Meanwhile, the Atlantic’s Marc Ambinder describes Douthat as having “the intellectual honesty of his frequent sparring partner, Andrew Sullivan.”

Talk about kicking a guy on the way out–that’s just vicious.


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