Well, The Left Did Want To Recreate '68...

> Blog Archive >> The Biggest Goof Yet” href=”http://www.commentarymagazine.com/blogs/index.php/rubin/22031″>Jennifer Rubin writes, “The conservative blogosphere is agog: what was Barack Obama thinking?”


He took a story largely confined to the internet, (only briefly raised in the primary) about Obama’s connection to former terrorist Bill Ayers, put it in his own ad, and then filed a claim trying to force the third-party 527 ad that first brought up the Obama-Ayers connection off the air. In the next 24 hours thousands if not millions of voters who never heard of or didn’t understand the extent of the Obama-Ayers relationship are going to get a full education.

That Justice Department complaint is a stunt reeking of abject panic. Really, isn’t this just unlimited free publicity for the McCain accusations? In the Right blogosphere there is a mix of amazement and delight. And in case you thought the McCain camp wasn’t thrilled by this turn of events, read what Steve Schmidt has to say about it.

It is very hard to figure out the reasoning behind the Obama effort. Perhaps there is a deadly poll or maybe they think they can so skew the coverage as to insulate himself. But for now, it is just plain baffling.

Short of digging up Leonard Bernstein, at this point, there’s really only one option left for Obama: start flaying about, yelling, “Make! Them! Stop!”–which is what another presidential candidate was doing right around this time four years ago. As James Lileks wrote back then:


John Kerry wants to be president because he is John Kerry, and John Kerry is supposed to be president. Hence his campaign’s flummoxed and tone-deaf response to the swift boat vets. Ban the books, sue the stations, retreat, attack. Underneath it all you can sense the confusion. How dare they attack Kerry? He’s supposed to be president. It’s almost treason in advance. . . . Inconsistencies are irrelevant, because he’s consistently John Kerry. And he’s supposed to be president.

And as Tom Maguire writes, “Coming soon–‘That’s not the Bill Ayers I knew.'”

Obama better make sure he’s driving one up-armored bus before he throws Ayers under it.


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