That's An Easy One

Ezra Levant writes:

I was interviewed on the XM satellite radio channel “POTUS ’08”. Click here to hear it. I’m not sure how a radio channel dedicated to the 2008 U.S. presidential election found a way to dedicate 15 minutes to a case of Canadian censorship, where the CBC’s several radio channels have been silent on the subject.


That’s an easy one–Ezra’s story went from Little Green Footballs to Hot Air to Instapundit to the Pajamas motherblog, stopping by for a cup of coffee on my blog as well. Since it seemed to resonate so much with Pajamas’ bloggers–not to mention readers–it seemed to me that it was a topic we should explore on Pajamas’ radio show, even if it’s a story only tangentially related to the 2008 election. (Presumably, we’ll be back to wall-to-wall election horse race coverage next week.)


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