Back in March, I quoted the San Francisco Examiner, which noted: “San Francisco becoming a child-free zone as youth population declines:”
Despite efforts to stem the tide of family flight, the population of children in San Francisco continues to ebb.
Families that remain in The City are bucking the trend that has plagued San Francisco for years as the number of children — defined as people up to 17 years old — has dropped from 181,532 in 1960 to 107,524 today, according to the latest U.S. Census Bureau figures. The 2000 census counted 112,802 youths.
The decrease is disappointing news for city officials, who have attempted to counter the family-flight trend by creating more affordable housing, improving schools and cutting costs, such as a college savings account for kindergarten enrollees.
“It’s definitely not a hopeful sign that we have 5,000 less kids,” said N’Tanya Lee, the executive director of San Francisco-based advocacy group Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth, which lobbies City Hall on budget and housing issues.
As I wrote back then, this isn’t exactly a new trend; even AP was noting that “San Francisco has the smallest share of small-fry of any major U.S. city,” six years ago in 2005.
And zero could very well be in sight — which brings us to one of the mysterious Bay Area blogger Zombie’s newest posts here at PJM:
Not aborting fetuses will soon be a crime in San Francisco.
At least that’s what the city government is pushing for in its bizarre new attack on pregnancy counseling centers.
Actually, “bizarre” is too mild a word to describe San Francisco’s latest outburst; even from my pro-choice perspective, the city’s attempt to essentially banish any counseling center which doesn’t encourage or perform abortions is simply beyond belief.
Yesterday, City Attorney Dennis Herrera and Supervisor Malia Cohen acting on behalf of the municipal government launched a “coordinated attack” on pregnancy counseling centers that didn’t provide or advocate for abortions:
Click over for the rest.
Meanwhile, in other abortion news, for reasons only understood by themselves, Planned Parenthood went Bollywood this week for a new video, as spotted by the Daily Caller:
In celebration of Monday’s Department of Health and Human Services announcement that all insurers must cover contraceptives without charging patient co-payments, Planned Parenthood’s leaders felt the need to show some excitement.
And show it they have — in Bollywood style, complete with a dancing birth-control pill dispenser.
Thursday the abortion and women’s health services provider launched a new Web video showing women, men, and a birth control pill box dancing in celebration of the government’s new mandate.
Joe Biden could not be reached for comment. But if he could, he’d likely say that you cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts or a Planned Parenthood facility unless you have a slight Indian accent.
On the other hand, the togs in their new video are far more benign than some of the costumes the founder of Planned Parenthood was associated with back in the day.
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