For Immediate Release
December 3, 2009
Contact: Tom Kise
(916) 425-1314 or [email protected]Los Angeles, CA — Today, Roger L. Simon and Lionel Chetwynd, both members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and Oscar nominees, called on the Academy to rescind Al Gore’s Oscar in light of the Climategate revelations.
Simon, also the CEO of Pajamas Media and PJTV, said the following during his and Chetwynd’s co-hosted Poliwood program on PJTV:
I personally call for the Academy to rescind this Oscar.
[In] the history of the Academy … not to my knowledge has an Oscar ever been rescinded … I think they should rescind this one.
Climategate began on November 19th, when a whistleblower released a series of documents from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit. These documents exposed a coordinated effort among climate scientists to distort the facts regarding man-made “Global Warming.”
To view all of these documents, visit:
Click here for the Poliwood Highlighted Version, and here for the Poliwood Full Length Version.
Or simply making a bad situation for Al even worse? If ClimateGate isn’t causing Al a sleepless night or two, this likely isn’t helping.
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