The Manchurian Candidate

Orrin Judd spots one of the leading runner-ups for the Nobel — note the before and after dates on the links:

China dissidents top Nobel Peace Prize speculation (DOUG MELLGREN and IAN MacDOUGALL, 10/06/09, AP)

Chinese dissidents are leading the odds of winning the Nobel Peace Prize this year, the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre and the 60th since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. […]U.S. President Barack Obama is thought to have been nominated but it’s unclear on what grounds.

Nobel watchers say he could be a contender for next year’s prize, following his lofty call for global nuclear disarmament at the United Nations last month, which came after the nomination deadline for the 2009 prize.

Chinese dissidents let down by Obama Nobel (AFP, Oct 9, 2009)

China’s dissidents are voicing unease about President Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize, saying that the award could have been effective in promoting human rights in their country.Some in China’s democracy movement are outraged at what they see as a weak stance on rights by Obama, who the same week as Friday’s announcement avoided a meeting with Tibet’s exiled Dalai Lama that would have upset Beijing.


As Orrin adds, “No one’s happier about the prize than the ChiComs.”

Related: “KGB-style, The Guardian removes Israelis from Nobel Prize winners list.”


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