In Forbes, Peter Robinson writes:
This is a story about using American politics to promote the highest of ideals and to realize the worthiest of accomplishments. You may be forgiven your skepticism. But keep reading.
Indeed–it’s a terrific profile of War Connerly, who notes:
Politicians have seldom supported him. “When it comes to race,” Connerly says, “political correctness is profound. Even conservative Republicans are afraid to take a stand.” Organizations from chambers of commerce to unions to the League of Women Voters have fought him, instigating legal challenges that have so far thwarted his efforts to put initiatives on the ballot in Florida and Oklahoma. “In issues involving race,” Connerly explains, “the establishment is always at odds with the people.” But Connerly has succeeded in putting bans on racial preferences on the ballot in Washington, Michigan, Colorado and Nebraska. The people of Washington enacted a constitutional amendment banning racial preferences in 1997. The people of Michigan did so in 2006. The people of Colorado and Nebraska will make their decision on Nov. 4.
Will the measures in Colorado and Nebraska win? Comfortably, Connerly insists. Whenever bans on racial preferences are permitted to go before the voters, they win.
In a related item, Roger L. Simon explores “Dangerous times ahead: racism in the Blogosphere.”
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