Tune in each Thursday to XM Channel #130, POTUS ’08 at 6:00 PM Eastern/3:00 PM Pacific for Pajamas Media’s weekly PJM Political show! (And at 11:00 PM Eastern/8:00 Pacific for a rebroadcast) If you missed this week’s show, click below to listen:
(Want to download instead of streaming? Click here to download this week’s show. Or click here to download the lo-fi edition.)
Glenn Reynolds and Dr. Helen Smith interview Douglas J. Feith served as Undersecretary of Defense for Policy from 2001 through 2005. Feith is the author of War and Decision: Inside the Pentagon at the Dawn of the War on Terrorism. Plus:
- Host Bill Bradley on John McCain’s new ad, and Obama’s search for a vice-presidential nominee.
- Liz Mair, the Online Communications Director of the eCampaign Division of the Republican National Committee.
- James Pethokoukis, senior economic writer at US News & World Report asks, “Dude, Where’s My Recession?”
- Produced by Ed Driscoll.
Bill Bradley’s weekly commentary segment is available separately here. A lo-fi edition of this week’s show is available here. Finally, if you missed any previous episodes of PJM Political, click here and scroll through for hours of audio archives.
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