The Great Jeff Dunetz at Yid with Lid has a must-read post about the hatemonger Al Sharpton’s role in inciting an anti-Semitic pogrom 20 years ago in New York City. Here’s an excerpt:
After the King case, who could believe that blacks in America could ever take over the role of racists, but that is what happened, blacks were shouting anti-Semitic slogans, and explicitly proclaiming themselves to be the reincarnations of Hitler, they sought to destroy and/or drive out their Jewish neighbors by force.
The deaths of Gavin Cato and Yankel Rosenbaum are viewed as some sort of a” tit for tat.” This is a misrepresentation of the facts. Cato’s death was the result of a tragic accident; Rosenbaum was deliberately stabbed four times by an angry mob. Sadly Anthony Graziosi’s death has been forgotten.
Many in the Jewish community felt the city’s first Black Mayor, David Dinkins was complacent in the violence, holding back the police from protecting the Jewish community, but that has never been proved.
What’s more likely is that lack of police action was caused by Dinkins’ incompetence instead of a conscious decision to allow the violence against the Jewish community to continue.
Nevertheless the pogrom dealt a death blow to Dinkins’ mayoral career. Jews had voted for him in overwhelming numbers to give him a narrow victory over Rudy Giuliani in 1989, switched sides, giving Giuliani the win against Dinkins in 1993.
To this day, the media refuses to acknowledge that African-Americans can be racists, and Antisemitism is still ignored by the media. News networks invite anti-Semitic representatives of CAIR or former CIA agent Michael Scheuer to participate on their programs as experts, but these same “experts” contend that American Jews run the media and the Government. Huffington Post regularly allows Media Matters’ MJ Rosenberg on their front page where he too uses anti-Semitic stereotypes.
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