Of Course: San Francisco First Big City Where a Dude Wins a Woman's Beauty Pageant

(AP Photo/Wayne Parry)

Raise up your can of Bud Light and join me, please, in a toast to Monroe Lace, the newly crowned Miss San Francisco. According to a Tuesday CBS report, it was the fulfillment of a lifelong aspiration: “It felt like a dream,” said the happy Monroe, “because it’s been a dream that I’ve had since I was a child.” Monroe is by no means singular in that, of course; at least before appreciating beauty went out of fashion, there were no doubt innumerable young girls who dreamed of being beauty queens. Monroe Lace, however, is different, and knows it: “Even though I am Miss San Francisco, I know my impact is much greater than that,” says Monroe. He’s right: Monroe Lace, Miss San Francisco of 2023, is the first dude to hold the title.


Alas, Monroe Lace cannot lay claim to being the first man ever to win a woman’s beauty pageant. That dubious distinction belongs to one Brían (pronounced “Bree-ann,” doncha know) Nguyen, a stout fellow indeed in every sense of the term, who was crowned Miss Greater Derry in New Hampshire last November. Young Mr. Nguyen proved definitively that these aren’t beauty pageants in any meaningful sense of the term anymore, and now Monroe Lace’s victory in San Francisco makes it abundantly clear that these pageants are about Leftist virtue signaling, and have nothing whatsoever to do with advancing attractive and accomplished women.

CBS happily informs us that Monroe is the first dude, er, “transgender woman,” in the 99 years of the Miss San Francisco pageant. What it doesn’t say is how appalled and horrified the people who organized the pageant back in 1924 and 1925 would be if they saw this young man mincing across the stage to claim his crown as the fairest representative of womanhood in the entire City by the Bay. And Monroe Lace himself is well aware of why he won the crown: “Every time I put on the sash,” he says, “the weight of it reminds me of the weight of my job; of the responsibility I have to make a difference for young children.” Ah, yes, that’s what it’s all about: making a “difference” for “young children,” confusing them as to their gender identity and conditioning them to accept that a male can become a woman and vice versa.


And why not? The pharmaceutical corporations will make out like bandits, as will the gender-transition surgeons, since the young people thus confused and destroyed will be condemned to a lifetime of horrific mutilating surgeries, as well as a lifelong dependence on hormones to enable them even to come close to pretending to be of the opposite sex. Recruiting new youngsters for this life of hell on earth is what this is all about: CBS reports that “as part of her [sic; he’s a guy] Miss San Francisco duties, Monroe visits a different elementary school in the city almost every day. CBS News Bay Area followed along as she read a book called ‘Sparkle Boy’ to the 4th grade class at Tenderloin Community School.” The people who are raking in huge profits from the transgender madness couldn’t be more pleased; every time Monroe visits an elementary school, they can just see all the mad stacks of Benjys pouring in.

Related: A Fat Dude Won a Women’s Beauty Pageant, Because Transgender!

Massive profits aside, Monroe Lace wouldn’t be a thoroughly modern woman, that is, a man, if he didn’t know how to play the victim. And so CBS tells us that “it wasn’t that long ago that Monroe wasn’t sure if her own story would have a happy ending.” Oh, those awful MAGA-hatted yahoos who think men are men and women are women and those who think otherwise are falling into mental illness, not discovering their true selves! “Four years ago,” Monroe informs us, “I ran away from home. In the middle of the night, I packed everything in a single suitcase. Because I’d rather be loved and homeless than in a home that didn’t love me.” He has had a tough time since then: “One of my neighbors overdosed a few months ago. When I think about my story, my story isn’t unique. That’s the unfortunate truth. There are so many transgender women that have the same experience I do, and they are not as lucky.” He doesn’t say anything, of course, about those whose lives have been rendered miserable by the mutilation and hormone “therapy” that they were told would bring them to their true selves.


Miss San Francisco goes on to make the ubiquitous claim: “I’ve gotten death threats.” Maybe he has, and that would be terrible indeed, but this is something Leftists reflexively claim when faced with any opposition at all to their delusions and fantasies. He adds: “I’ve gotten mean comments about my appearance or the way that I look.” Yet no matter how outlandish he may have looked at any given moment, his victory in the Miss San Francisco pageant was assured from the moment he entered. Any other outcome would have been “transphobic.” So really, how oppressed is he?

CBS concludes its report with a quote from “4th grader Camila Soberanis,” who rhapsodized over Monroe’s victory: “It was beautiful, ’cause I didn’t care if she was a boy or a girl. It was just like… normal.” Confusing and capturing the allegiance of children: that’s what this whole thing is about.


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