
The Fringe with Megan Fox, Episode 119: The Dangerous Infantilization of Women

(PJ Media)

It’s very controversial to say that women should take an active role in their own safety, avoid dangerous behaviors and situations, and basically just adhere to the common sense wisdom your dad told you: don’t be out after midnight, don’t walk alone, don’t get drunk or high with strange men, dress appropriately, etc.

I’ve been told this is “victim blaming,” and I reject that totally. This has all come up because Eliza Bleu wants the world to believe she was a trafficking victim. Meanwhile, her entire history, which is almost entirely online, shows a woman desperate for fame and attention making risky and dangerous choices that she now wants us all to chalk up as her being a massive victim. But is she? Is a woman a victim if she is the one who puts herself in danger? Maybe. But is she at all responsible for doing the drugs and drinking the alcohol and working in dangerous places that put her in close contact with dangerous men?

Feminists say no. Feminists want all agency erased from women. Women can do whatever they want, take as many drugs as they want, get as drunk as they want, and wear next to nothing, and feminists expect them to walk away unscathed, unmolested, and unexploited. That’s not reality. Sharks patrol these waters, ladies. You are responsible for protecting yourself to the best of your ability, and that means avoiding dangerous situations. Tune in to hear more.

Here’s the Twitter thread that got me in trouble.


Listen to Episode 119: The Dangerous Infantilization of Women on the PJ Media podcast page, or click below:


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