Western Decline: 'Am I Gay' Web Searches up 1300% in U.S.

(AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

LGBTQ+++™ social engineering has apparently produced the intended confusion in the minds of the propagandized populations subjected to it.


Via NBC News:

Google searches by users for phrases questioning their own sexuality and gender identity — including “Am I gay” and “Am I lesbian” — have increased by 1,300% since 2004, according to a new analysis.

The findings were published last week by the Cultural Currents Institute, a market research firm that studies public opinion trends, which collected Google Trends data from January 2004 to this month for questions related to sexual orientation and gender identity across all 50 states.

Utah emerged as the state with the highest search volume for the phrases “Am I gay,” “Am I lesbian” and “Am I trans” since last May, according to the report.

It pointed to Utah’s “traditionally conservative social values” as a potentially significant factor in the data.

This is patent nonsense. The reason that Utahns are frantically researching their own sexualities on internet search engines is not at all because Utah is “conservative.”

First of all, Salt Lake City is LGBTQ+++™ as hell, something that its local government and media brag about and promote.

Second, and more importantly, the obvious culprit is the relentless “gender-queer” propaganda disseminated by the corporate state media and pounded into children’s heads in public schools.


In no world is a 1300% explosion in “do I actually identify as a non-binary” Google searches the organic result of a greater passive acceptance of alternative sexual orientations and identities, as the argument from Social Justice™ activists often goes.

Via The New York Times (emphasis added):

The number of young people who identify as transgender has nearly doubled in recent years, according to a new report that captures a stark generational shift and emerging societal embrace of a diversity of gender identities.

The analysis, relying on government health surveys conducted from 2017 to 2020, estimated that 1.4 percent of 13- to 17-year-olds and 1.3 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds were transgender, compared with about 0.5 percent of all adults.

Those figures illustrated a significant rise since the researchers’ previous report in 2017, though the analyses used different methods.

Experts said that young people increasingly have the language and social acceptance to explore their gender identities, whereas older adults may feel more constrained.


Obviously, the social engineers have, at least until very recently, felt pressure to maintain the fiction that they are not, in fact, actively engaged in a top-down effort to subvert legacy Western culture and replace it with their own artificial alternative untethered to reality or tradition. Therefore, they have been forced to argue that this is all a natural evolution in favor of Tolerance™ and Diversity™ or whatever.

On the contrary, and more apparent by the day, it is very much the result — and the intended one at that — of active, highly orchestrated social engineering through pop culture, government institutions, multinational corporations, and NGOs.


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