Need a Last-Minute Gift? Consider a PJM Gift Subscription

How’s your Christmas shopping going? If you’re like me, you have a few people on your gift list you’re still scratching your head about. Perhaps it’s that person who has everything, or the college student in your life who gets her news from TikTok. Or your relative who has a crush on Brian Stelter and spends her days glued to MSNBC. Or maybe it’s your MAGA hat-wearing uncle who’s always so hard to buy for.


Whatever your situation, PJ Media has the perfect solution: a VIP gift subscription

When you purchase VIP subscriptions for friends and loved ones, you’ll not only be directly supporting our mission, but they’ll get access to members-only articles, an ad-free experience, and exclusive members-only podcasts. VIP Gold members get all that, plus access to the VIP content on all of the sites in the Townhall Media family—Townhall, RedState, Twitchy, Hot Air, Bearing Arms, and, of course, PJ Media. In addition, VIP Gold members have the opportunity to participate in exclusive VIP live chats with our contributors.

Over the past year, we’ve covered stories that you won’t find in the MSM—in fact, many of the stories we’ve covered, including important news on COVID-19, climate change, Antifa, the border crisis, and the corrupt Biden administration, have been censored by social media platforms that only want you to hear the preferred government narrative. Your gift subscription will not only enable us to continue reporting on these and other important topics, but it will equip your friends and loved ones to fight back against the Left’s lies and distortions. Knowledge is power—and who wouldn’t want that under their Christmas tree this year?


Purchase your gift subscription here—use the promo code VIPGIFT for a 30% discount. The recipient will receive an email letting him or her know about your generous gift on the date of your choosing—and you can take it easy knowing your Christmas shopping is done! If you’d like to gift yourself with a VIP subscription, sign up here and use the promo code CHRISTMAS for a 30% discount.


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