We Have a Secret Weapon in the War for the Culture

Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

It’s not that difficult to look out at our cultural landscape these days and conclude that our culture has lined up against conservative, Judeo-Christian values and principles. Everywhere we look, we see battles for the hearts and minds of people of all ages, and we find ourselves in a tug-of-war against moral relativists who seek to tear down everything that’s true in our world.


I recently stumbled on an Instagram account by a woman named Haleigh DeRocher, (@sweetsequels). She creates exquisite artwork based on classic literature from authors like J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Dickens, and C.S. Lewis.

On Tuesday, she posted a quote from Lewis’ wife, author Joy Davidman, who wrote, “Every age has its professional apologists, and ours are working hard to convince us that our worst sins are virtues.” Davidman wrote these words in 1954 in Smoke on the Mountain, her meditation on the Ten Commandments, but the quote sounds like she’s writing about our present age.

DeRocher writes in her caption:

A pop singer rage-sings about the right to kill babies in the womb and critics hail it as “empowering.” A drag queen reads books to a room full of children and anyone who disapproves is a bigot. Men are paid to model women’s dresses and are celebrated for it. Schools and librarians insist that children have access to sexually explicit books and call it “the freedom to read”. Porn “reduces sex crimes”. Divorce is okay as long as it “makes you happy.” Etc etc etc.

Our professional apologists are having a heyday.

She makes the valid point that today’s professional apologists have turned the world upside-down, and their arguments are everywhere. There’s an easy temptation to throw up your hands and cede or to just slink back into our shells like frightened turtles.

But we have a secret weapon that the professional apologists can’t touch: the truth.


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“It’s easy to argue against postmodern apologists as long as you embrace Absolute Truth and never let it go,” DeRocher writes. “When up against Truth, lies really can’t stand a chance — especially when they’re this bizarre.”

What the professional apologists have done is abandon truth, as DeRocher points out.

“Unfortunately, these wicked ideas are able to infiltrate and capture the modern man because as a culture we no longer believe in foundational morality,” she writes. “Absolute Truth has been discarded in favor of relativism — your truth, my truth. And thus, abortion becomes an act of love. Men can be women. Children are objects to be used for the gratification of adults. Sexual perversion and promiscuity is [sic] normalized. The nuclear family is in shambles.”

What the professional apologists either don’t realize or willfully ignore — I’m guessing it’s the latter — is that playing semantic games doesn’t change the truth. Truth is truth no matter how much culture wants it to change. That’s what makes truth a secret weapon that we can effectively use in our battle against a culture that denies truth.

“The only way to quell the tide of cultural insanity, I think, is to remind man of Truth, loudly and boldly, as often as we can,” DeRocher encourages. She goes on to quote John 1:5, which reads, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”


I think even people who aren’t Christians can appreciate that verse. Truth is a light that shines in the dark, and as much as those on the left want to deny or change truth, it cannot and will not change. Let’s be encouraged to counter the lies our culture tries to tell us with the truth because it’s more powerful.

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