First Impressions of a First-Time CPAC Attendee

Photo by Chris Queen

For years, I’ve wanted to attend CPAC, but it never worked out for me to be able to make it until this year. And wouldn’t you know that my first time attending CPAC just happens to be the first event I’ve been able to attend as a member of the press?


I don’t know what I should have expected, but in the few hours that I’ve been at CPAC, not only have I had fun, but I’ve been impressed at the crowds of people I’ve seen here in Orlando*.

For starters, I love this year’s theme: “Awake, Not Woke.” I think it speaks to the way we on the right have felt about the rapid shifts our culture has taken in recent years.

Of course, I’ve had a blast meeting some of my PJ Media colleagues in person for the first time, along with some of my Townhall colleagues. And there’s something cool about sitting in the press section to hear people like Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) speak.

Photo by Athena Thorne

But the tremendous enthusiasm among the people here in attendance at CPAC is palpable. This isn’t some staid, boring bunch of people. No, CPAC is full of people who are here to have fun and enjoy the freedom that Florida has to offer. There’s tons of networking taking place, and people are getting to know each other and talking about what they have in common.

I’m also encouraged by the diversity of the crowds in attendance. Not only by color and ethnicity but also by age. There are so many kids and teens here, and they look like they’re enjoying themselves just as much as we adults are.


Just for Fun: Let’s Hear It for George Washington, Tiger Slayer!

And you know what else? Everybody’s comfortable here, no matter what they’re wearing. I’ve seen several Gen Z 21st-century Alex P. Keatons, millennials dressed like they’re out to play golf, Gen Xers like me in casual comfort, and Boomers in Let’s Go Brandon t-shirts. One group of five ladies are dressed in shirts that spell out TRUMP — provided they make sure to stand in the right order.

There are a few people here in masks, but nobody’s judging anybody else for that choice. (A few of them were in the press pool where I spent some time, so I think they might be from, y’know, the other side.)

Best of all, we’re all enjoying what we have in common: our love of freedom and our desire to fight against wokeness, out-of-control government, and a left-wing culture that seeks to undermine the values that we love.

One scene gave me a chuckle as I was waiting for my Uber back to my hotel. Papa John of Papa John’s pizza fame is appearing at some point this weekend. I saw his limo pull up to the hotel, and a group of college-age guys had a fanboy moment speaking with him before the limo pulled away.


I’m exhilarated, despite having woken up at 2:30 to leave Georgia shortly after 3 a.m. to drive to Orlando. As I write this, I’m sitting in my hotel room basking in the fun I’ve had today and looking forward to what the rest of the weekend will bring.

In his exciting speech, DeSantis said, “We’ve just begun to fight.” I believe it, based on what I’m seeing. If Day 1 of CPAC 2022 is any indication, the conservative movement is fired up and excited. Here’s hoping we can take this momentum into November and beyond!


*As a Disney guy, it’s killing me a little to be so close to Disney World and not able to go there this weekend. Next year I’ll plan a Disney day before or after CPAC if it stays in Orlando…


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