Rasmussen reports that by a wide margin Americans do not like affirmative action programs. Why shouldn’t they in a country founded on fair treatment for all and the idea that merit and ability should determine outcomes?
Just over one-in-five Likely U.S. Voters (22%) now support government programs that give special treatment when hiring to women and minorities.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 63% oppose programs that give hiring preference to women and minorities. That’s up eight points from 55% a year ago. Fifteen percent (15%) are not sure about them.
When asked specifically about “affirmative action programs” in general without any further description, 26% of voters favor them, while 45% are opposed. Thirty percent (30%) are undecided.
A plurality (46%) of voters believes affirmative action programs discriminate against white men, but 31% disagree. Twenty-three percent (23%) are not sure.
Still, just 10% think affirmative action programs have been a success. Twenty-five percent (25%) rate them as a failure, while 60% feel they fall somewhere in between success and failure.
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