Never Again Does the Left Get To Talk About 'Stolen Land'

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Do you remember Hitler? No, I don’t mean the angry, podium-pounding loser with the dumb mustache. I mean you. I mean me. The Left always puts us into one of two categories: Hitler or Worse Than Hitler. 


Because we oppose beta males who can’t hack it in their own sports and who compete instead against females and unravel a century of women’s rights, we are Hitler. Because we think bakers in Colorado should be able to politely refuse to participate in activities that violate their religion, we are Hitler. Because we feel that a nation-state has a duty to protect its borders, we are Hitler. Because we judge people not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character, we are Hitler. 

Do you want to not be Hitler anymore? Simple. Just go out and attack some Jewish students, kill elderly Jews in the streets, and openly call for genocide against Jews. Then they’ll stop calling you Hitler. Make sense?

In all probability, calling someone Hitler doesn’t carry the same stigma on the Left as it did in, let’s say, late September. Maybe the Left now calls people Hitler not as an insult, but as a compliment. Maybe when the Left asks, “How could the Holocaust have happened?” they’re actually inquiring about the blueprints. Maybe when the Left says “never again,” they’re talking about the Normandy landings. Regardless, one thing the Left has lost its right to do is call anybody else Hitler in a derogatory sense, because leftists embody his dream completely.

The ideology of the Left is a cyclic contradiction but one that once paid lip service to at least attempting to maintain a façade of consistency. If the 10/7 terrorist attacks have done nothing else, they’ve exposed once and for all the hatred, the bigotry, the spite, the resentment, and the sociopathy that lies, and has always laid, just below the surface of leftist “compassion” and “justice." The behavior of leftists from 10/7 to today is exactly who they are.


Related: There Is No Such Thing As 'Palestinians'

But as the “Hitler” comparisons hit a little too close to home for those leftists still maintaining the charade, the terms they now use are “colonization” and “stolen land." Any literate historian will tell you that every inch of inhabited land on this planet has, at one time or another, been stolen by a “colonizer” from someone “indigenous.” Leftists love to bleat about stolen land, but only by whites against non-whites. They simply ignore the rest. Hence, we get finger-wagging lectures about white Europeans colonizing the Americas, without the slightest acknowledgment of the fact that Native American tribes stole each other’s land on a regular basis. Native American tribes also routinely engaged in slavery, torture, and genocide. But if you point that out, it means, of course, that you’re Hitler. 

But since the Middle East is again the flashpoint, it’s worth noting that no group has stolen and colonized more land from others than Muslims. Before the religion of peace hacked and butchered its way across North Africa, the Middle East, and western Asia in the 7th and 8th centuries, those regions were populated with Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Hindus, and various animist and polytheistic sects. And while the empires clashed as empires do, the differing faiths lived together, by and large, in relative tranquility. It was like one of those “diversity is strength” advertisements the Pentagon generals run whilst trying to deflect attention from another lost war. 


But from then until the 20th century, the Muslim colonizers largely spent their free time forcibly converting, banishing, or persecuting these non-believers across the former civilizations of Rome, Byzantium, Persia, and India. During this time, the lucky Jews and Christians who didn’t meet the bloody scimitar of the religion of peace were allowed to live as dhimmi, the derogative Arabic word for second-class citizens, so designated because of their status as infidels and subject to legal discrimination. Islamic nations finally succeeded in killing or expelling almost all non-Muslims in the 20th century. Many used the existence of Israel as an excuse, but in actuality, the pogroms, riots, and mass killings had been going on for centuries.

In the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, there were over 800,000 Jews living in Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and North Africa. Today, there are a little over 3,000. That’s an ethnic cleansing of 99.63% of the Jewish population in under eighty years. Adolf Hitler? Pfft…amateur. 

Israel was created as something like a reservation for Jewish people. It’s the land they were allowed to keep, which was theirs to begin with, after their near-extermination. American Indian reservations make up approximately 87,500 square miles (roughly Idaho), or 2.9%, of land in the continental United States. Leftists consider it a travesty that this is all that Native Americans are left with. Yet the state of Israel makes up approximately 8,500 square miles (roughly New Jersey), or 0.14% of the approximately 5.9 million square miles of Islam stretching from Morocco to Pakistan, countries that had sizeable Jewish populations less than a century ago.


Nobody would argue that our federal government hasn't screwed the Native Americans over time and time again. That’s what our federal government does; it screws people over. But neither would anybody sensible argue that Native Americans don’t enjoy better standing in mean ol’ America than do Jews still stuck in the Islamic world. Native Americans are full American citizens, not dhimmi, and they enjoy the same rights and protections as the rest of us. Native Americans are perfectly free to live, work, learn, travel, pray, and thrive anywhere across the fruited plains of their evil colonizers. 

How many Jews (or anyone else) enjoy full citizenry in Islamic countries? How many scholarships do Muslims give to Jews to correct past wrongs? How much reparation money or affirmative action benefits are afforded Jews? How many Jewish casinos operate on Muslim soil? How many Islamic museums or historical sites display signs stating, “This is stolen land”? How many Islamic businesses post virtue-signaling drivel online on Islamic holy days about returning the land to the Jewish people?

Related: There Should Be No Ceasefire Until Hamas Is Completely Destroyed

The actual history of the land of Palestine is one in which the Jews and Christians were the indigenous peoples and the Muslims were the supremacist colonizers. The jellybean activists marching to “end the occupation” are going in the wrong direction. It is Gaza that should be decolonized of Muslims, not Israel of Jews. The Jews were there first, by thousands of years.  


If Leftists were truly anti-colonialist, they would be demanding that the Islamic occupiers and settlers return the land to not only the Jews and Christians, but also to the Hindus, Buddhists, and Zoroastrians they stole it from. But those who lament the colonization of Indian land couldn’t be more disinterested in the colonization of Judeo-Christian land. 

Those who expose the sacrilege in building on Indian holy grounds or burial sites feel no such queasiness that, as a matter of practice, mosques were built on top of destroyed churches and synagogues. Faux-historians who claim that the year 1619 introduced chattel slavery to the world didn’t study enough to discover Muslims perfected that peculiar institution a thousand years prior and that, in parts of the Muslim world, chattel slavery still exists today.

Don’t ever let a leftist lecture you or anyone in your vicinity about “stolen land." Leftists aren’t anti-colonization. They are anti-Western, despite the fact that the West has done less colonizing than anyone else. Their prattle about Israeli "colonization" is the usual boilerplate Orwellian newspeak they use to put their opponents on an eternal defensive. As for Israel, the best thing it can do is ignore the shrieks for a cease-fire and keep eradicating the putrid Naziism from Gaza. Israel will be blamed for whatever happens, but at least the colonizers in Ramallah and Tehran might think twice before trying a stunt like this again.



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