Soccer Star Runs Afoul of the Woke Mob

AP Photo/Markus Schreiber

They’re everywhere these days. You can’t escape the rainbow gear that represents gay pride for almost every professional sports team. Even though gays and lesbians are supposed to be just like us — y’know, they’ve told us that for years — the woke LGBTQETC mob expects everyone else to conform to its symbols and celebrations.


It’s a refusal to go along with the pride insanity that has gotten a German soccer player in hot water. Kevin Behrens, a forward for VfL Wolfsburg, which is part of Germany’s Bundesliga, refused to sign a fan’s rainbow jersey last month. He might not have gotten in as much trouble as he has if he hadn’t commented, “I won’t sign that kind of gay s**t.”

However, he did open his mouth, and now the club is subjecting him to the usual woke shaming and reeducation. In addition to team discipline, Behrens is having to apologize and sufficiently humiliate himself for not being tolerant enough.

“Kevin is now home alone,” the Telegraph quotes the wisecrack from the team’s sporting director, Sebastian Schindzielorz. So cute, so clever, yet so tolerant.

"My spontaneous comments were absolutely not OK. I would like to apologize for that. The issue was clearly discussed internally, and I ask for your understanding that I do not wish to comment further on it," Behrens said in a statement.

The team also issued a statement, which contained all the hallmarks of tolerance, diversity, and kissing the ring of the Rainbow Mafia. We wouldn’t expect any less.

“During an internal meeting, statements were made that were not in line with VfL Wolfsburg’s stance. The incident was immediately dealt with internally. VfL Wolfsburg stresses that it is aware of its social responsibility. The club and its employees stand for diversity and tolerance, and fundamental values, such as respect, honesty, and openness, have always been firmly anchored in the club’s philosophy," the statement read.


Notice the passive voice in the first two sentences of that statement; the flunky who wrote it acted like it was just something that happened out of thin air. Also, notice the language throughout. By kowtowing to the Pride Cult, the team is exhibiting “social responsibility.”

Related: Standing Up to the LGBTQ Bullies

And note that one of the team's values is “honesty.” Including that word in the statement insinuates that Behrens was somehow dishonest in making a crass (if understandable) comment that didn’t directly denigrate the fan or his or her lifestyle but insulted the memorabilia that he or she wanted Behrens to sign.

Lest you think that everyone wants to write Behrens off, at least one of his teammates is willing to give him some grace. Outkick reports that team captain Maximilian Arnold criticized his teammate but was willing to overlook the offense.

"Kevin apologized for something that was definitely not good. Everyone makes mistakes. One thing is clear: Something like this should not happen again, but everyone deserves a second chance," Arnold said to the press.

One factor that complicates Behrens’ situation is that his contract is up at the end of the season. If he weren’t at the end of his contract, he might just get a slap on the wrist and a ticket to some reeducation seminars where he learns to become more tolerant, but will other teams touch someone who has become anathema to the woke? Time will tell.

At the end of the day, I can’t fault Behrens for refusing to sign the jersey; however, he probably could have been more careful — and exhibited more class — with his comments. Nevertheless, wokeism is a religion without grace, so Behrens might become a pariah for a long time after this incident.


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