
Israel Is Still Under Constant Terrorist Fire

AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg

As pro-Hamas radicals around the world, activists and government officials alike, continue to back Gazan jihadis, the people of Israel are under near-constant bombardment — particularly in northern Israel, where they are under siege from Hezbollah.

Too few individuals in America and other Western nations know or care that Israelis are still in constant danger from Islamic terrorist attacks, most especially in the besieged area of northern Israel. We hear lying propaganda about the alleged plight of jihad-loving Gazans constantly, but where is the sympathy for Israeli children? Where is the weeping and wailing for the hostages still trapped in Gaza and their families, for the parents who wake up every morning not knowing if their kids will be the next victims?

“Rocket alarms sounding in northern Israel,” the state of Israel’s official X (Twitter) account announced on August 27. It’s an all-too-common warning nowadays. Only the day before, Israel had posted the same message about both southern and northern Israel, with the promise, “We will not allow Hezbollah, Hamas or any other Iranian proxy to terrorize the people of Israel.”

Unlike Gazan authorities, whose modus operandi is to use their own people as human shields, Israeli authorities are looking for ways to protect their civilians. Hamas specifically targets first responders and ambulances, and the majority of Palestinians continue to support Hamas. Yet Israel keeps assisting in delivering aid to Hamas-run Gaza and will even endanger Israeli soldiers to protect Gazans. In spite of all this, it’s the Palestinians who are perpetually framed as victims.

Israeli medical response service Magen David Adom has connected its national command center to the missile-tracking of the Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) civil defense system, Home Front Command. According to a press release, Magen David Adom aims to automate its missile response system entirely before this year closes. 

Exclusive: Israeli Medical Responder Says Hamas Targets First Responders

“Prior to October 7, we had no way of knowing about a missile attack until we received the call from people living in the community,” Uri Shacham, chief of staff for Magen David Adom (MDA), said in the release. “Because people are obliged to remain in shelters, dispatchers received calls about eight to 10 minutes after a missile actually hit.”

MDA will now be able to track a missile’s path, thus making medical response times faster. “We can send an ambulance almost to the exact point where the rocket landed,” Shacham claimed. “Maybe it's not exactly the house number, but I still know which street to send them to. And I can tell our teams, ‘Look two streets up or down the block; survey the area and you'll notice destruction and see the people who need help.’” He added, “Only by cooperating with the IDF Home Front Command were we able to cut down our response time by those crucial eight to 10 minutes. That is huge.”

The combining of Home Front Command’s tracking ability with Magen David Adom’s dispatch center has been a game changer. And a lifesaver … Using AI technology, the dispatch system [once automated] will be able to determine if a rocket strike has occurred and send an emergency response unit to the location without human approval, further speeding lifesaving responsiveness.

Again, this is in major contrast to the Palestinians and their majority support for terrorists who butcher and slaughter Israeli children while hiding behind their own children.

Israel is under siege and cannot hold out forever. Every nation that claims to care about freedom and justice, most especially the U.S., should be rallying to Israel’s defense. Hopefully, under a second Trump administration, that will happen.


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