Kamala Skipped Netanyahu's Speech, but She Was Right Behind Zelenskyy When He Spoke

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Vice President Kamala Harris absented herself from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress to attend a sorority event. Yet when Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed Congress, Harris was right behind him cheering and brandishing a Ukrainian flag.


Harris, just after the coup where she replaced Joe Biden as the leading Democrat 2024 presidential nominee, apparently considers Netanyahu’s speech completely unimportant. But when Zelenskyy addressed Congress in 2022, Harris not only was there to give him a standing ovation, but she also beamed as she held up the Ukrainian flag Zelenskyy brought. Ironically, Israel is an official U.S. ally while Ukraine is not. Meanwhile, pro-Hamas protestors are allowed to perpetuate whatever crimes and mayhem they want thanks to Democrat antisemitism.

The U.S.-based organization Stop AntiSemitism highlighted how disturbing it is that VP Harris considers a sorority party more important than a speech from our ally’s leader at a time when hatred of Jews is a rampant problem around the world and here in America. 

“StopAntisemitism is perplexed by Vice President Kamala Harris' decision to not shift her prior obligation to attend a sorority engagement rather than fulfill her constitutionally mandated duty of presiding over the Senate during today's speech by the Prime Minister of Israel,” the organization posted.


It continued, “At a time when antisemitism echoes of 1930s Nazi Germany, it is imperative to show bipartisan support to our strongest and fiercest ally, Israel, amidst the bloodiest campaign against Jews since the Holocaust.” 

Oct. 7 was indeed the worst day of the massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, and too many Israelis have died since in the ongoing war with Hamas. Nazi-like antisemitism continues to intensify around the world. Yet Harris skipped Netanyahu’s speech and partied at a sorority? Meanwhile, there are still Americans held hostage by Hamas.

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Unfortunately, Democrats hate Israel and love anti-Semitic terrorists. For instance, pro-jihad Squad member Rep. Rashida Tlaib used the opportunity of Netanyahu’s speech on Hamas atrocities to spread Hamas propaganda falsely claiming Israel has committed war crimes. “Guilty of genocide,”  and “War criminal” were on Tlaib’s sign. However, the only side in the conflict that tried to commit genocide is Hamas, with increasing support from Palestinians. There is no genocide in Gaza.


Again, the same Democrats going knives-out for Netanyahu and Israel enthusiastically cheered corrupt Zelenskyy. Then again, that was fake empathy too. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have died in the prolonged war against Russia while American politicians make political capital out of supporting the war.

Harris’s pathetic excuse for missing Netanyahu’s speech is sadly of a piece with the Biden administration’s constant backstabbing of Israel and copious funding of Hamas-controlled Palestinians.


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