
Countries Recognize Palestinian State as Video Exposes Horrors of Hamas Abuse of Hostages

AP Photo/Abed Abu Reash

Three more European countries have moved to recognize a Palestinian state, even as a newly released video exposes the horrific violence Hamas soldiers inflicted on kidnapped Israeli women on Oct. 7.

Hamas controls the Gaza Strip, and it still retains the support of the overwhelming majority of Palestinians. Furthermore, the so-called Palestinians have no right to Israeli land and only own Gaza because of Israeli generosity. It is absolutely insane that Western nations claiming to be democratic and progressive would justify siding with literal terrorists against their victims. Yet that’s just what the representatives of Ireland, Spain, and Norway are doing.

These three countries have joined the ranks of nations that recognize a Palestinian state, despite the fact that the Palestinian Authority (PA) financially incentivizes terrorism, and Hamas is a literal jihad group responsible for the Oct. 7 atrocities. Norway, Spain, and Ireland reportedly believe their actions will help achieve a two-state solution, willfully ignorant of the fact that the Arabs calling themselves “Palestinians” have been offered their own state for many, many decades and have refused every single offer in favor of trying to destroy Israel.

Meanwhile, a recently released video (WARNING: the video is disturbing) shows clips of five Israeli women, reportedly Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers, after they were brutally beaten and kidnapped by Hamas militants on Oct. 7. Times of Israel explains that the footage, horrifying as it is, is yet heavily edited to take out some of the more gruesome sections. Some of the girls are covered in blood and one bears signs of having been viciously raped. One Hamas militant says in the video “here are the girls [women who can get pregnant]” and adds to one brutalized Israeli, “You are so beautiful.” The video shows the jihadis doing Islamic prayers beside the bloody women. The footage ends by showing the girls dragged outside to jeeps. One girl is limping along on one foot, dragged quickly by a jihadi. At one point, she lands on both feet and cries out in pain.

Bring Them Home Now, a group of the relatives and friends of Oct. 7 hostages, posted about the footage, “There truly are no words to describe what they did or how they did it. The sadistic, diabolical, barbaric torment that our women endured while treating them like prizes and trophies, just plain objects to do with as they please. All the while praising themselves for their inhumane and monstrous accomplishments.” The group added, “All we know is that no human should have to spend a single moment with them, let alone 229 days.”

The hostages shown in the video are Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, Daniella Gilboa, and Naama Levy, according to Times of Israel. The outlet quoted Liri’s father, “This is the most sensitive version… and still terribly harsh. We are exposing ourselves and our daughters.” He noted that several of the hostages’ mothers cannot bear to watch the video.

“It’s been 229 days since then,” he continued, “and we are living it minute by minute… I have no words to describe the horrors: At that base, 54 male and female soldiers were murdered. Those girls sat for two hours with 11 bodies of female soldiers and one male soldier in their line of sight.”

Tragically, negotiations between Hamas and Israel over hostage release broke down after Hamas demanded not only a cease-fire but a complete end to the war from Israel’s side. Israel, understandably, was and is not willing to make what they know is a one-sided agreement.

Related: Israel’s Erdan Slams UN Council for Honoring Terror-Promoting Raisi

Many citizens of Spain, Norway, and Ireland have been protesting their governments over the last seven-plus months, and it appears those governments have foreign policies as idiotic and harmful as their domestic policies.


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