
Tech Can Track People by Mapping Veins - Will Digital ID Use Biometric Data?

AP Photo/Bikas Das, File

Multiple countries, including the U.S., have already expressed their interest in or commitment to roll out a digital ID and digital currency. But could such digital IDs in the future function using your biometric data?

A group of Spanish researchers is pitching their technology to countries around the world, seemingly a more complex and comprehensive application of the sort of technology Amazon uses to allow grocery checkout with a scan of the palm. Vaccine passports were bad enough, but this could take intrusive government and medical establishment tracking to a whole new level. Dystopian books and movies are sounding less like fiction and more like current events all the time.

From the Feb. 5 European Union technology offer:

The patented device is capable of:

1. Recognize people through contactless 3D vascular biometry of the palm of the hand, back of the hand and wrist using innovative Artificial Intelligence software algorithms (Deep Learning) and real-time processing.

2. Visualize vascular patterns to facilitate, record, and automate blood extractions and injections using innovative Artificial Intelligence software algorithms (Deep Learning) and real-time processing.

True, Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Government around the world already know way too much about us, but this is still dangerous. Once your biometric data is recorded like that, anyone with that data can track you always and anywhere, it would seem.

And you can’t fake your palm scan. If countries including the U.S. follow through on their avowed goals of digital currency and digital IDs or if we end up with a social credit score like Communist China has, what then? Suppose you expressed opinions the government dislikes, or refused the latest booster, and you’re banned from buying anything. If your palm scan doesn’t check out as approved, you could experience the life-changing inability to obtain necessities that anti-regime protesters experienced in China in 2022.

While this new artificial intelligence (AI)-equipped technology was developed in the EU, the technology offer said it was available for “All countries.” Here are more details from the offer:

Contactless, physical contact not required.
- Highlights veins or vascular patterns compared to other tissues
- Low cost and size system
- Integrable in mobile devices, smartphones
- 3D vision and real-time processing
- Allows to facilitate, record and automate blood extractions and injections
- Attendees to massive events (shows, theaters, cinemas, concerts, sports stadiums, etc.) can be identified at any time and place in a similar way to what is currently done with QR codes, but in a non-transferable and more secure way
- Users can make secure online payments and access through any mobile device

Globalists and Marxists entice people to give up freedoms in return for safety or convenience. After all, that’s why people use Amazon Fresh palm-scanning in America. It’s so easy to wave your hand and walk out with your purchases! But we need to think long-term with any new technology. As founding father Ben Franklin warned, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”


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