
Gaza, Israel, and Leftist Lies

AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed

When we look around at a country and world filled with millions of people determined to see Palestinian terrorists as victims and Israelis as oppressors, despite mountains of evidence, we cannot but agree with Mark Twain that it is far easier to convince people of a lie than to convince people that they have been fooled.

Twain once observed, “How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!” I cannot help but be reminded of that as I view any news about the Hamas-Israel conflict. No matter how open Hamas terrorists are about their atrocities and their genocidal goals, no matter how many times it is explained that Arabs have no right to Israeli land, woke Westerners, anti-Semites, and Muslims worldwide screech that Israel is an evil, oppressive colonizer and Palestinians are just victims.

Hamas terrorists openly and constantly avow that their goal is to kill Jews and wipe Israel off the map; even the Palestinian children say so. The overwhelming majority of Gazans support jihad against Israel, and almost all of them believe they should own Israel, even though Arabs were already given the state of Jordan in the last century. Watch below for young Palestinian children (whose TV shows, summer camps, and educational resources all teach them they should be jihadis) talking about their desire to become terrorists who murder Jews:

Then the Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7 filmed their atrocities. They were very proud of what they did. They raped women to death, cut off and played with women’s breasts, burned alive and mutilated babies and children, gunned down whole families, and chopped off civilians’ body parts. They wanted the world to know what crimes they had committed. And yet woke leftists and anti-Semites stopped up their ears, covered their eyes, and refused to know.

After the attack, a Hamas official vowed on TV, “We will do this again and again. The Al-Aqsa flood is just the first time and there will be a second, a third, a fourth because we have the resolve and the capabilities to fight.” Asked if he aimed for “annihilation of Israel,” the official replied, “Yes. Of course.” Islamic scriptures endorse the killing of Jews.

Hamas puts their bases under hospitals, stashes weapons in civilian buildings, and prevents evacuations because they use civilians as human shields. They have refused peace with Israel for decades.

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The Muslims who support Hamas (there are Muslims who don’t, of course) do so because they take their scriptures about killing Jews and waging holy war literally. Woke Westerners who support Palestinian terrorists against Israel do so because they have been lied to — they really believe that Jews are evil white colonizers, and the Palestinians are abused, oppressed people of color. They have been taught to support Muslims and to hate Judaism. This is especially true of young people, particularly college students. The lie is so embedded that administrators and students alike believe it’s totally permissible and even laudable to call for extermination of Jews and to praise terrorists.

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Hamas and its supporters in Gaza and elsewhere have made it perfectly clear what their goals are, and yet the lie goes on. No amount of evidence can seem to penetrate. As Twain so truly said, “How easy it is to make people believe a lie, and how hard it is to undo that work again!”


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