U.S. ‘Can’t Afford’ It: USA Today Columnist Slams ‘Bidenomics’

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

A USA Today columnist stated the obvious: “Bidenomics,” the new Democrat term to describe Joe Biden’s allegedly wonderful economic policies, works worse than AOC’s brain. As Ingrid Jacques put it, “Biden is trying to sell ‘Bidenomics,’ but Americans can’t afford the president’s agenda.” We’re broke, and we know it.


In her July 6 piece, Jacques examined some of the reasons why Americans aren’t believing Democrats’ lies about how “fabulous” the economy is. As food prices continued to get more unaffordable, many Americans had to get extra jobs to pay the rent, and core inflation continues on a damaging course, only Joe thinks he’s doing a good job on the economy.

While things are starting to look up after the pandemic’s devastating economic consequences, troubling factors remain. Chief among them is inflation.

While rates have dropped from record highs last summer, high prices have stuck around and citizens notice the damage to their finances. That’s especially true of core inflation, which excludes much more erratic food and energy prices.

Jacques wrote that ”Bidenomics” seems to be a response to the late Republican President Ronald Reagan’s economic principles: “Reaganomics.” But while Reaganomics brought prosperity to America, Bidenomics is doing the opposite.

Reaganomics was a blueprint for letting the free market work. That’s something Biden and Democrats fail to comprehend. To them, more government is the answer, regardless of how stifling.

Even Biden doesn’t seem to know exactly what “Bidenomics” means, Jacques noted. Last month, Biden said, “I didn’t realize I had Bidenomics going.” He also blowharded, “I don’t know what the hell that is. But it’s working.” Isn’t it nice to have “adults” running the country again?


You can only lie so much to people who can’t afford to gas up their cars or pay their bills. The economic reality is difficult for many Americans right now, and no amount of propaganda can hide that.

Biden’s approval rating was lower last month than Trump’s despite media hype, and more than two-thirds of Americans rank inflation and the economy as America’s top problems, Jacques explained.

All this indicates troubles ahead for Biden’s big-spending, high-tax agenda. These are policies that won’t empower the middle class but will further drag the country into debt and fuel the inflation and other economic pains Americans are feeling this summer.

The truth is that COVID-19 lockdowns dealt a severe blow to Donald Trump’s thriving economy, and the Biden administration is busy completing the work of destruction.


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