In case you missed it, Curt Schilling was not impressed with someone harassing his daughter via Twitter and so he decided to do something about it. Here’s how he introduced the situation on his blog:
I thank God every day that Facebook and Twitter, instagram, vine, Youtube, all of it, did not exist when I went to High School. I can’t imagine the dumb stuff I’d have been caught saying and doing.
If you are a dad this is something you well know already, if you are a dad with a daughter this is likely to get your blood going. If you are a boy, or young man, or husband, and you haven’t experienced children yet, or haven’t had a daughter, it’s next to impossible for you to understand.
My daughter, my one and only daughter, has worked her ass off playing sports the past 9-10 years. She’s loved it, and I’ve loved being able to both watch, and coach along the way.
Last week we were told she’d been accepted to college and will begin playing softball there next year.
Understandably, the former MLB pitcher was proud of his daughter’s achievement, and probably never imagined that sharing that pride publicly with his daughter via Twitter would invite the ugly comments of two textbook Internet trolls. We won’t repeat the offensive Tweets here, but suffice it to say that Schilling was well within his rights to be outraged and offended that anyone would say the things that were said to his daughter via Twitter.
Here’s what Schilling first posted about the incident on his own Twitter feed: There are repercussions to your actions in the real world
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) March 1, 2015
While it might have been one of the first things he said publicly about the incident, it also happens to summarize the directed, serious nature of his response to it all. Rather than just getting angry and responding to the culprits directly in a form of a flame war, Schilling opted instead to ask for help from his Twitter followers:
Any of you good internet sleuths? If so scroll to the bottom and have at it.
— Curt Schilling (@gehrig38) March 2, 2015
He even received a response from a Twitter employee:
@JerryBlevins_13 @gehrig38 as a fan of all of you and a twitter employee I’m even more motivated to work and fix abuse issues like this.
— Tim Abraham (@timabe) March 3, 2015
As it turns out, though, Schilling was being modest. He says on his blog that he’s been using computers since 1981 and that he’s not unfamiliar with the pitfalls of social media sites like Twitter. It’s not all that surprising, then, that he not only took in the names of the two miscreants who were harassing his daughter, he shared their information on his website:
“The Sports Guru”? Ya he’s a DJ named Adam Nagel (DJ is a bit strong since he’s on the air for 1 hour a week) on Brookdale Student Radio at Brookdale Community College. How do you think that place feels about this stud representing their school? You don’t think this isn’t going to be a nice compilation that will show up every single time this idiot is googled the rest of his life? What happens when a potential woman he’s after googles and reads this?
The other clown? He’s VP of the Theta Xi fraternity at Montclair State University. I gotta believe if Theta Xi is cool with a VP of one of their chapters acting like this I’d prefer to have no one I know in it. Also, does anyone attending Montclair State University have a student handbook? If so can you pass it along because I am pretty sure there are about 90 violations in this idiots tweets.
I stopped because the rest was more of the same. And while these, to me as a dad, are just stupid and vile in ways you can’t fathom, they aren’t alone.
There have been personal tweets, texts and emails to more than one party in all this.
In other words, he was making sure that there would be real-world repercussions to their online actions. And there have been consequences. The Sports Guru has been suspended by his school and is now being investigated by the police and the clown from Montclair State University, Sean MacDonald, has been fired from his job with the Yankees. You can follow Schilling’s updates on further repercussions either by following him on Twitter or visiting his blog.
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