—apologies to the Four Tops and “I’ll Be There”
Now if you feel like things can’t go on
‘Cause the “hope” and the “change” are all gone
And the promise of a future has faded
‘Cause we’re in debt and our credit’s downgraded
And the world is erupting in flames
Voters, reach out
Reach out to me
I’ll be there
Hitting balls out all across the links
I’ll be there
Playing the race card with some nods and winks
Now if the whole Muslim world is explodin’
‘Cause I endlessly spiked the ball ’bout bin Laden
And folks were murdered serving in our embassy
‘Cause I stinted upon their security
And the carnage gets ever more ghastly
Voters, reach out
Reach out to me
I’ll be there
At fundraisers for thousands a plate
I’ll be there
Abandoning you all to your fate
I can tell by reading polls from Rasmussen
That my performance in office you’re discussin’
But you’d all best remember your places;
If you don’t vote for me you’re a racist
I know what you’re thinking
You bought my line, but you’ve been boned
Voters, reach out
Reach out to me
I’ll be there
Living high on the public dime
I’ll be there
Yes, I want to do it one more time
I’ll be there
Living high on the public dime
I’ll be there
Yes, I want to do it one more time
I’ll be there
Living high on the public dime
I’ll be there
Yes, I want to do it one more time…
(fade out)
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