State Department: Don't Call Our Swift Exits from the Middle East 'Evacuations' (Update: Hmm. Separated at Birth?)

NRO watched the State Department’s press conference so you didn’t have to.

In a press conference today, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki insisted it was inaccurate to call the departure of nearly 100 U.S. government personnel from their posts at the U.S. embassy in Yemen today an evacuation. Instead, she characterized the airlift as a “reduction in staff” and an “ordered departure.”

Earlier Tuesday, the United States flew all non-emergency U.S. government personnel from Sanaa, Yemen, to Germany in U.S. Air Force aircraft, and urged ”those U.S. citizens currently living in Yemen to depart immediately.” The British government has also evacuated its embassy staff.


I guess this wasn’t an evacuation either.


When America is seen retreating from a threat, bad things happen.

Very. Bad. Things.

Bonus: I think I’ve just figured out why Jen Psaki has always seemed so strangely familiar.



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