Obama Fundraising Email Tells Supporters to Comb Their Hair, Put on a Clean Shirt Before Meeting the President

The Obama campaign has sent out yet another strange fundraising email. This one builds on the presidential raffle that the campaign has ridden to second place in a two-horse fundraising race, by selling the idea that raffle winners could get family photos taken with the president to prove that they actually met him.


Maybe you’re already thinking about which family photo you’ll use in your next holiday card — or maybe your Facebook photo is due for an update.

I’ve got a once-in-a-lifetime solution: President Obama is coming to New York City for an event in a few weeks — and you could get to meet him.

Chip in $25 or whatever you can today and you’ll be automatically entered for a chance to get your family photo taken with the President.

Here’s what will happen: You and up to five of your family members will get to your reserved spot at the event, where a photographer will be waiting. You’ll all meet the President of the United States, and we’ll take the picture to prove it.

So comb your hair, put on a clean shirt, and start practicing your camera-ready smile in the mirror. (emphasis added in this line)

The email comes from deputy campaign manager Juliana Smoot. Why does Smoot assume that Obama’s supporters aren’t already combing their hair and wearing clean clothes? Are they renting their email list from The Smoking Gun or something?

I suppose Smoot could have added insult to injury by telling supporters to get a haircut and get a real job, but everyone knows the latter is next to impossible in Obama’s economy.


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