Weiner follows Breitbart at his own press conference -- Weiner admits that the pic is of him and he sent it

Update: Press conference realtime updates are below. Here are my initial thoughts after the press conference.

Immediately after Weinergate broke, the left wing blogs circled around Weiner and concocted theory after theory to defend him. All of those theories have been proven wrong by the man they foolishly defended for purely partisan reasons. Weiner’s refusal to resign is a sign of arrogance even after the scandal — he put the country through more than a week of rancor that he could have prevented just by stepping forward and admitting the truth.


Weiner’s press conference is total and clean vindication for his critics. He took the pic, he sent the pic, and he lied about it for more than a week. He is only telling the truth now because he has no other choice — the lies haven’t worked.

Weiner’s confession is also a nuclear slap in the face to the mainstream media for failing to follow this story when it broke, and minimizing it after it broke. They kept insinuating that Breitbart was to blame, maybe that he was even the alleged hacker. Breitbart was 100% innocent and 100% right; Weiner was lying the entire time while many of the left’s best and brightest defended him.

The Press Conference: Anthony Weiner opened the presser taking “full responsibility” for “mistakes” that have hurt his family and friends. He then admitted that he sent the tweet to the woman in Seattle by mistake (as I surmised within hours, by the way). He regrets sending it, which he characterized as a “joke,” but did admit sending it, and that the picture is of him.

He also admitted to other cyber relationships with other women — the cyber harem theory checks out.

Through tears, he admitted bringing pain to others, apologized to his wife for his failings. He said that he is deeply ashamed of his actions.

In answer to press questions, reiterates that he deeply regrets what he has done and accepts full responsibility – and calls it a “deeply regrettable mistake.”


The media had better hammer him about the “hacker” theory. That, and many other statements that came directly from Weiner, have now been revealed to be nothing more than lies.

Update: Reporter asks Weiner whether he can say that the X-rated photo that Breitbart says he has of him is not of Weiner — Weiner says “No I cannot.”

Update: Every single liberal blog theory about Weinergate is now up in smoke. Every one, including Joseph Cannon’s theory, the blogger who developed the outside Yfrog hacking theory, and showed up in comments here at this blog today to defend that theory. Up. In. Smoke.

Update: Not resigning, not going into rehab. Says the relationships go back “as much as three years.”

Update: Question about Breitbart — apologizes to “all of the people” he lied to, but only apologizes to Breitbart in the context of apologizing to other media he misled. But other media weren’t accused by Weiner’s allies of being the hacker — which we know doesn’t exist — and of faking the story, which has turned out to be completely true.

Update: Says his wife knew about the cyber relationships since before they were married, says “We spoke about it frankly because…” and then reconsidered finishing that sentence, saying “We spoke about it frankly.” The “because” would have been interesting. Says she did not know until this morning that he sent out the lewd tweet himself.


Update: Weiner — “This was me doing a dumb thing and then lying about it.” Says he did contact the woman in Seattle after the tweet, mostly to express his regret at her getting dragged into this. Mostly?

Update: On the women, “to the best of my knowledge” they were all adults.

Update: Now he’s trying out the “I’m going back to work” line, touting his public service.

Update: Shorter Weiner — “I’m confessing now because lying for more than a week didn’t work.”

Update: Weiner lies AGAIN, saying “At no time did I or my staff try to cover anything up.” The “hacked” lie was HIS attempt to cover it up and he lied to his staff about that.

Update: Is this photo not from his Congressional office? I ask, because he doesn’t think he violated House ethics rules.


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