There aren’t many things more predictable than entities funded by George Soros. They will operate in as stealthy mode as possible, they will fund astroturfed protests as often as possible, and they will always attack from the left. Such is the case with the Texas Independent, which is out with a banner story attacking the King Street Patriots and Texas Gov. Rick Perry.
“Hey, hey, ho, ho our racist governor has got to go!” chanted demonstrators Monday night outside the grand opening of the new headquarters for Houston tea party group King Street Patriots (KSP). Inside, before attendees and Republican officeholders, Gov. Rick Perry celebrated his “pro-growth” policies steaming through the state Legislature in Austin.
The roughly 100 protestors, representing Texas-based social justice and immigration rights organizations, sought to send a message about keynote speaker Perry’s “hateful” anti-immigration policies proposed this Legislative session, as well as perceived fiscal irresponsibility.
We’ve Tatled on the so-called Independent rags before. They’re a nationwide effort to fund left-wing blogging at the local level, and Soros is their prime funder. As for the groups represented at the protest, they are your typical left wing fronts:
Protestors were part of Houston United, a coalition of 14 religious, labor, social justice, civil right/liberties and immigration rights groups as well as Houston Peace and Justice Center, LULAC Southwest, Code Pink Houston chapter, Working Families, area Democratic organizations and unions.
Turn over a rock or two and you’re likely to find Soros funding this protest (Code Pink is certainly among the groups he funds), which puts Soros on both ends, both the protest and the “reporting” on the protest.
Soros’ minion are agitating, in this case, against laws the majority of Texans support, border security that Texans need, a governor recently easily re-elected by a majority of the state’s voters, and a group — King Street Patriots — that is working hard to ensure that elections are clean and fair.
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