Michelle Obama to Donors: Barack's 'Not Spiderman'

First lady Michelle Obama exhorted a small Hollywood crowd yesterday to give her husband a fundraising hand because he’s not a superhero.

Obama was at the Los Angeles home of Warner Bros. CEO Barry Meyer for a reception starting at $2,500 a head. About 100 people attended, including Netflix Inc. Chief Content Officer Ted Sarandos and Anne Globe, DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc.’s chief marketing officer.


Meyer was heard by the press pool urging guests to appreciate “a country that doesn’t dictate who you can and can’t marry,” and praising the U.S. for “aiming more carefully now, and firing less.”

“Barack can’t do it alone. He’s not Spiderman,” Obama said to laughter. “He’s not a superhero; he’s a human. So he needs your help. And I’m not just talking to the adults here today. I am talking to the young people here as well!”

“And I’m not going to kid you, especially the grownups here, this journey is going to be long, and it is going to be hard, and there will be plenty of twists and turns, highs and lows, dramatic moments, nail-biting moments, periods where you want to throw the TV into the lake,” she added. “But what we have to remember is that’s really how change always happens in this country.  Real change requires patience and tenacity — that’s a vocabulary word, tenacious.”

Obama blew kisses to the crowd at the end of her speech and guests were handed baggies of white meringue cookies on their way out.


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