Pessimistic about 2012? Please.

What is the matter with people nowadays? Normally quite intelligent conservatives seem to be going feely-feely on us all of a sudden. Here we are, still nearly two years out from November 2012, and already there is talk of despair. Despair over what, pray tell?


The man-child president, who steadfastly prefers hoops, links, and brewski to governing, has failed to mature even a smidgen and is up to his skinny neck in failed liberal dream schemes, lawsuits with more than half the states, and a Mideast pressure cooker set to blow wide open at every stateside gas pump. Carter déjà vu? Not even close. This is turning out to be the presidency which will launch conservative statesmanship into a hundred-year reign.

And the estimable George Will has just written an editorial on why Republicans ought to be pessimistic about 2012 prospects. Methinks Mr. Will is losing his bearings and needs a vacation out in the heartland, away from the la-la land of the D.C. swamp. Out here, where Tea Parties are still going strong and adding ranks every day, folks are focusing on the electoral upside of this presidency instead of indulging in self-defeating despair.

But Mr. Will does have a powerful pen. So it’s quite disturbing to read his summation of what he assumes will be the Republican crop of 2012 presidential contenders. I say “assumes” because no one knows at this point who is running for sure.

Yet Mr. Will has declared that the already-presumed field ought to make all Republicans pessimistic, due to some George-Will-defined “weirdness” factor. Oh please.

Newt Gingrich is supposedly “weird” because he has had the gall to point out the anti-American, postcolonial ideological stands of Barack Obama. This is not weird. This is a historian (Newt was a historian before he was speaker of the House) trying to make sense of a man who lied through his teeth to get elected and remains, to this very day, a complete enigma.


Obama prattled on about being a post-racial, conciliatory uniter and then installed a thoroughly racist attorney general, intent on garnering justice for his “people” only. Obama railed against the individual mandate in the failed Hillarycare and then signed that monstrous individual mandate into Obamacare without batting an eyelash. Obama flagellated the Bush-era deficits and has since run higher deficits in one month than all of Bush’s last full year.

This list could go on forever and every observant citizen knows it by now. Liar is this president’s middle name. The only thing weird here is that anyone of any note in this country is still listening to the man. The fact that the whole D.C. crowd still declare that they like him — along with a whopping 48% of the public — is more than weird. It’s an anomaly fit for the Guinness Book of Weirdness.

To question Barack Obama’s ideology and its foundational roots is a virtue, one that we Americans once held in very high esteem. It’s called intellectual curiosity. And for Mr. Will’s benefit, it should be noted that only the dimmest bulbs in the basement would fail to remain curious about Barack Obama. This man has been covered for by more “journalists” than any guy since Stalin.

Barack Obama is the guy who sat in a racist pastor’s church for more than 20 years as an adult and was allowed by a conspiring press to put it all to rest with a tidy little speech, which put more blame on his “typical white person” grandmother than on himself. Barack Obama is the man who was allowed to wave off a long association with unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers with nothing more than a wink and a nod. Barack Obama is the man who has yet to release a single transcript which might lend a shred of credence to all those brilliant-beyond-brilliant claims. Barack Obama is the man who inspired banana-republic iconography and indulged in it himself, without a single cry of “weird” from the erstwhile punditry.


But Mr. Will really left me scratching my head in wonder as he claimed that America’s “sensible voters,” who don’t pay much attention this time of year to politics, would be turned off by the likes of Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee casting aspersions on the background of President Barack Obama.  “Sensible voters,” Mr. Will? Do you mean the kind of fawning, Barack-the-vote voting nincompoops who elected Mr. Almost-like-God as president?

Oh, please.  What is this country coming to?

There is not a single reason — no, nary a one — for any conservative to be worrying about seeming “weird.” And letting the left determine the definition of “weird,” at this point, is beyond weird.

The leftist media hacks, who virtually elected the most incompetent, starry-eyed adolescent president in history, have no business defining the qualities necessary in the next president.  And allowing them to do so — especially with such a wide and varied presidential field now gearing up for 2012 — is not only stupid. It is insane.

The media elites who refused to vet Barack Obama must now cover their own backsides and defend him at every corner. Every truly sensible American is aware of this by now, which is why viewership and readership continue to decline. I think Mr. Will probably lost quite a few readers himself.

I’ve said this before; I’m saying it again. Pessimism about 2012? Oh, please.

With conservative chances in 2012, I might run for president myself. Here’s my chant; hear me roar:

Obama lied; hope died.

The Iranians got the A-bomb, the Russians got their jive back and the Chinese own everything.

Obama played; Americans paid.

Jobs went bye-bye and never came back.

The dollar crashed; gas went to the moon.

And all Obama wonks could do was swoon.

So, take your last chance for national redemption…

Vote for the un-cool, work-experienced, good-without-a-teleprompter guy or gal who knows a friend from a foe and can add 2 + 2 and get 4 every single time.


I don’t know a single Republican — including myself — who doesn’t fit this bill. And there is not a single thing “weird” about it. What’s weird is this comedy of fools we’ve been subjected to for the past two years. And if George Will can’t see that, he needs to get out of Washington more often.


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