'One Nation' under Obama Has No Respect for America

This past Saturday the One-Nation-under-Obama folks held a “unifying” rally on the national mall. Their paltry numbers told only a portion of the real story.

If one wanted a single sentence that described the whole miserable affair, it would be this:


One Nation under Obama Ain’t Got No Respect.

The lack of respect from the One-Nation folks was ubiquitous — from the minute they got bussed in to the minute they left. No respect for the goodness of the country which has succored them from birth and given them more opportunities than any other in the world. No respect for the sacrifices of those gone before them in battle to secure their liberties. No respect for the businesses and taxpayers who support them. No respect for the ground upon which they cast their mountain of litter. And certainly no respect for the rights of other Americans to disagree with them on the “goodness” of socialism.

From their manufactured signs to their drinking cups, these no-accounts dumped on America. From their stale, give-us-this and give-us-that demands, these people reminded me of a bunch of spoiled rotten teenagers, living in their father’s house, demanding a higher limit on their AmEx cards. It was enough to make any mature person wretch from the gut.

But, really, why would folks rallying ‘round the One Nation under Obama flag be expected to show respect, when their president has set the example for them to follow?

President Obama himself is the quintessential disrespecter of all things American.

Democrats, once proud defenders of the First Amendment’s free-speech guarantee, have now become, under Obama, its fiercest critics. Barack Obama has used the presidency to single out, mock, and threaten with cut-offs to access, any and all media outlets who dare to hold his policies to even a modicum of honest scrutiny. Starting off his administration by telling Republicans they “couldn’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and expect to get things done,” Obama has stridently picked fights with conservative talk radio and Fox News as though the First Amendment did not apply to them. Last weekend, a One Nation under Obama protester copied the president by hoisting a sign, declaring “Fox News is unconstitutional.” Such a glaring disrespect for the rights of other Americans is purely revolting to any real lover of freedom.


In his State of the Union address before Congress, Obama became the first president to ever publicly deride sitting Supreme Court justices for their recent decision upholding the free-speech rights of American corporations. Such a mockery of Constitutional separation of powers is unprecedented and smacked of third-world dictators threatening to jail resistant judges.

Like an aging hippie, besotted with the fallacious notion that love makes the world go ‘round, Obama has trashed our former presidents on foreign shores and extended his hand like a royal on self-indulgent steroids. Obama seems utterly oblivious to the fact that when he uses our presidency to mock and disdain former presidents, he demonstrates profound disrespect for the millions of American voters who elected those men and supported their policies. Worshiping at the trinity of me, myself and I, Obama shows no respect for anyone save himself and evidently sees nothing wrong with using the presidency as a pulpit for preaching the good news about his own marvelous deeds.

President Obama used American taxpayer money to write and send to the United Nations Human Rights Council a listing of our national sins, that he is working to make good. While he himself is a shining example of educational and electoral opportunities available only in America, he trashes our human rights record to literal oppressive regimes that openly terrorize their own populations.


Barack Obama so disrespects our U.S. Constitution that he apparently never even considered whether his health care mandate might run squarely afoul of it. As a consequence of the Obama, Pelosi, and Reid anti-constitutional arrogance, 22 states are now suing the federal government arguing against ObamaCare. The economy is worse off now than before Obama’s stimulus. Yet the president thinks nothing of the millions of dollars that now must be put into lawsuits by 44% of the states, when it all could have been avoided if Obama, Pelosi, and Reid had shown a little respect for the U.S. Constitution and the voters’ known resistance before bribing and arm-twisting their way to the minimum vote. Such unbridled irreverence for the will of the American people is truly unprecedented.

On the matter of illegal immigration, Barack Obama has demonstrated the most ardent mockery of justice and disrespect for the rule of law. The Obama administration is now suing the state of Arizona for its desperate passage of a law intended to authorize local officials in the enforcement of federal immigration laws. Why was this action absolutely necessary for the citizens of Arizona? Because President Obama so disrespects the rule of law that he refuses to enforce those laws on the books with which he personally disagrees.

As the southern border with Mexico remains a porous piece of shoddy cloth, Arizona has become the ground zero of criminal violence perpetrated by those illegal aliens Obama wishes to protect. So Arizonans are left to fend for themselves. Obama’s answer was to hold a joint press conference with the president of Mexico, in which both men denounced the “racist” Arizona law.


What a sham. The president might just as well have gone down to Arizona and spit in the faces of the American citizens whose lives and property are daily threatened by the unfettered breakers of federal law. Now the feds under Obama are suing Arizona on the premise that immigration law is a purely federal affair, even as the same feds refuse to go after sanctuary cities that declare themselves welcome mats for law-breakers. To most Americans, this is disrespect bordering on out-and-out hate.

On and on this list could go. From long before the election, one of the most evident aspects of the Barack Obama persona was his utter lack of respect for all things American. Whether it was refusing to put his hand over his heart during the national anthem on the campaign trail or his shunning of the flag lapel pin, Obama has made clear his disdain for our country. His whole European apology tour, which included bowing and scraping to foreign dictators and despots of every variety, is now the stuff of ignominious legend.

But his domestic governing shows more than anything else how much real goodness he finds in the rotten fruits of socialism and how sorry and ill-begotten he thinks the American dream of individual liberty really is.

So when One Nation under Obama’s scanty numbers show up to bash America and trash the very ground upon which they walk, it should be no surprise whatsoever. They are merely following the example of their other-worldly leader.


What a disgusting lot of ingrates.


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