'Climate of Hate' Obsessives Ignore Culture of Death

Two weeks ago, a deranged young man slaughtered six innocent people and wounded 14 more. Before the rivulets of blood dried, demagogues at the New York Times and Newsweek, along with a bevy of snarling cable news pundits and guileless politicians, pounced on “the right” for creating a “climate of hate.” They rushed to judgment — and were exposed as charlatans and fools when the truth came out. Jared Loughner is a young man with what appears to be severe mental illness, one who likely has never heard of the conservative politicians, commentators, or personalities the left rushed to libel.


What precious few scraps of information did come out about Loughner’s meager frame of political reference sent the media running from the whole question of his ideology. (A high school friend called him “very liberal.” He became infuriated at the mention of George W. Bush. He fixated on a bizarre film promoting decidedly non-Tea Party ideas.) Loughner had served his purpose as the catalyst for a smear campaign. When the narrative of “right -wing violence” ceased to be even remotely plausible, the media dropped their focus on the story.

A week later, we were treated to the sight of the same pundits and politicians scurrying away from an even more gruesome, loathsome crime — this time with hundreds of victims and clear-cut political implications.

Why? The reasons are blindingly obvious. The perpetrator was Dr. Kermit Gosnell, an apparent serial killer of hundreds of newborn babies — a man who collected the severed body parts of his victims in jars as macabre trophies of his butchery.

Despite the fact that warnings of his crimes were repeatedly reported to the authorities — by victims and his own employees — he was ignored for years by the authorities. Why? Because Gosnell was an abortionist, protected by pro-choice politicians who would rather his murder spree continue than its exposure threaten the practice of abortion itself. He was finally undone, not because of his decades of killing, but because he also profited from dealing prescription drugs.


It never should have gotten this far. Gosnell was neither a gynecologist nor an obstetrician. He did not employ nurses or anesthesiologists. Instead, he operated in squalid conditions that would have seen any fast food restaurant shut down. He repeatedly botched procedures, occasionally leaving the ripped-apart remains of his smallest victims inside the bodies of their injured and infected mothers. Gosnell should have been shut down decades ago. He should have lost his medical license and been imprisoned.

He wasn’t for one reason, and one reason only.

Some politicians view abortion as sacrosanct. They regard “choice” as the most cherished of “rights,” even though it manifests itself as nothing less than infanticide. Gosnell’s crime spree lasted for decades because government agencies, hospitals, and abortion advocates knew of his brazen crimes and chose to do nothing.

They weren’t the only ones who adopted a see-no-evil stance:

  • The Pennsylvania Department of Health knew of clinic violations dating back decades, but did nothing.
  • The Pennsylvania Department of State was “repeatedly confronted with evidence about Gosnell” — including the clinic’s unclean and unsterile conditions, unlicensed workers, unsupervised sedation, underage abortion patients, and over-prescribing of pain pills with high resale value on the street — “and repeatedly chose to do nothing.”
  • Philadelphia Department of Public Health officials who regularly visited Gosnell’s human waste-clogged offices did nothing.
  • Nearby hospital officials who treated some of the pregnant mothers who suffered grave complications from Gosnell’s butchery did nothing.
  • An unnamed evaluator with the National Abortion Federation, the leading association of abortion providers that is supposed to uphold strict health and legal standards, determined that Gosnell’s chamber of horrors was “the worst abortion clinic she had ever inspected” — but did nothing.

For decades abortion supporters have claimed that outlawing the practice would result in gruesome “back-alley abortions,” with both the fetus and mother falling victim to unlicensed practitioners and unsafe practices. The Philadelphia horror has exposed a far worse reality: sanctioned abortion mills can be more barbaric in real life than the worst fictions proponents have conjured.

We now see that these abattoirs are run with less oversight than spay-and-neuter clinics. The agencies that should be regulating such facilities are instead tripping over themselves to flee responsibility for even the most perfunctory of inspections, for fear of being crucified by morally compromised politicians bending to the vocal minority of pro-abortion fetishists.


Here is what the media failed to find in Tucson but fears to reveal in Philadelphia: a direct link between a political philosophy and bloody injustice. This unfolding event is graphic testimony that the preferred progressive “cure” to the “problem” of unwanted pregnancies is not the medically and morally “sterile” removal of a mass of cells, but the kind of abhorrent act earlier generations would expect from a monster like Josef Mengele.

The brutality exposed in Philadelphia is most troubling because Gosnell’s acts may not be the isolated depravity of a solitary abortionist, but a warning that the entire industry of infanticide is what conservatives have claimed it has been the entire time — a slaughterhouse.

When progressive defenders of infanticide claim that Gosnell’s crimes were murder and not abortion based solely upon the baby’s geographic location relative to the mother (in the womb, abortion; an inch removed, murder), they blow apart the entirely inhuman conceit that the abortion industry relies upon — namely, the claim that a child is just “a mass of cells.”

The New York Times, so quick to pronounce judgment on the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, and Glenn Beck for Jared Loughner’s rampage, is just one of the left-leaning media outlets running away from the story of a monster they created. They hide the victims, even as they try to hide their own culpability.


Nothing to see here.

Move on.


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