PalinTracker: What's Happening on September 3?

July 13

Rotten Tomatoes Lists Palin Film as “Science Fiction & Fantasy”

Palin Points to Late-Summer Presidential Decision

Consider the Source Department:
Mother Jones on The Rise and Fall of Sarah Palin


July 20

Mainstream media putting negative spin on Palin film box-office take?

July 21

Byron York at the Washington Examiner: Without running, Palin stays near top of GOP field:

There’s a near consensus among Washington insiders that Sarah Palin will not run for president. But a new poll suggests the former Alaska governor would become an instant force in the race if she did choose to run.

Los Angeles Times: Palin second only to Romney in Washington Post/ABC News poll

July 23

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air: Palin: Obama now a Lame Duck President:

Palin also warns the House leadership not to “get wobbly on us now,” but says that the main problem with Obama is that he “leads from behind.”

July 24

Maggie Walsh in Human Events: Palin and Bachmann: Room for Both on the Ballot, But Not in the Tiny Minds of the Media

July 25

Why Are We Not Surprised Department: New York Times Columnist Calls Palin, Conservatives “Ideological Fellow Travelers” Of Norway Terrorist

July 26

Interview with Greta Van Susteren: Palin Blasts “Obama Drama” in Debt Debate: “It’s the Spending, Stupid … The President Does Not Know What He’s Doing”

July 27

Sarah Palin to keynote September “tea party” gathering in Iowa:

The former Alaska governor will headline a major “tea party” gathering in Iowa in September, just as the Republican nomination fight begins in earnest. Tea Party of America Wednesday announced Palin’s participation in the Sept. 3 “Restoring America” event.

“We don’t need a ‘fundamental transformation’ of America. We need a restoration of all that is good and strong and free,” Palin says in the group’s news release. “The 2012 election will be a great debate between those two conflicting visions for our country.”

“Gov. Palin embodies the spirit of public service that our founders believed was essential to the survival of our liberties and our republic itself,” Charlie Gruschow, Tea Party of America’s co-founder, said in the release. “We couldn’t be more delighted to have this citizen leader who represents the values that Iowans and Americans hold so dear.”


Paul Bedard in U.S. News: Why Palin, Bachmann Have Plenty of Time for Their Kids:

GOP pollster Kellyanne Conway has an answer for those who think Palin, Bachmann, or other women with children don’t have enough time to raise them while serving in public office.

“As far as I can tell, she doesn’t have a boyfriend. So right there it frees up like 15 extra hours a week,” she says of Palin, with a swipe at the parade of male politicians caught in affairs.

“And she doesn’t play golf,” adds Conway. “That’s like seven hours every Saturday, eight hours every Sunday because there’s always a brunch involved. I just gave her 30 extra hours a week. These kids will be fine.”

July 28

Palin at Facebook: Congressional Freshman — For Such a Time as This. A biblical allusion exhorts new conservative members of Congress to stay true to the principles on which they were voted in November 12.

July 29

The Right Scoop: Rush: We Are All Sarah Palin Now:

I don’t want to hear any more crap from Democrats about civility! I don’t want to be preached to one more time by these holier than thou, better than everybody else, smarter than everybody else craven villains about civility!

I have to tell you folks and I know I am not alone, I am mad as all get out [that] the Democrats and their cohorts in the drive-bys have collectively ratcheted up this divisive, uncivil, reactionary language to trash the Tea Party and by extension conservatives. We’re not terrorists! We’re not killing people! We are Americans who disagree with YOU! We are Americans who disagree with statism! We are Americans who disagree with socialism, communism, and liberalism! We’re not holding anybody hostage, we ARE the hostages!


August 3

Associated Press: Ethics complaint against Sarah Palin dismissed:

Alaska officials have dismissed an ethics complaint filed against former Gov. Sarah Palin that alleged she violated state law because the TLC docu-series Sarah Palin’s Alaska took advantage of a state film production incentives program she signed into law.

Just part of the relentless targeting which caused her to quit the governorship to save Alaska (and herself) the time, trouble, and funds to defend herself.

August 4

New Palin Documentary to Premiere; Her Hair Salon Gets Reality Show

Matthew Vadum at Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government on Palin’s rebuke of Vice President Biden’s reported characterization of Tea Party Patriots as “terrorists”:

Palin Hits another Bullseye: If Tea Partiers Were Terrorists, Obama Would Pal Around With Them

August 8

Palin at Facebook: Conquering the Storm:

Back in December 2010, I wrote: “If the European debt crisis teaches us anything, it’s that tomorrow always comes. Sooner or later, the markets will expect us to settle the bill for the enormous Obama-Pelosi-Reid spending binge. We’ve already been warned by the credit ratings agency Moody’s that unless we get serious about reducing our deficit, we may face a downgrade of our credit rating.” And again in January, in response to President Obama’s State of the Union address I wrote: “With credit ratings agency Moody’s warning us that the federal government must reverse the rapid growth of national debt or face losing our triple-A rating, keep in mind that a nation doesn’t look so ‘great’ when its credit rating is in tatters.”

One doesn’t need a Harvard Law degree to figure this out! Just look across the pond at Europe. European nations with less debt and smaller deficits than ours and with real “austerity” plans in place to deal with them have had their ratings downgraded. By what magical thinking did we figure we could run up perpetual trillion dollar deficits and still somehow avoid the unforgiving mathematics of a downgrade? Nothing is ever “too big to fail.” And there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Didn’t we all learn that in our micro and macro econ classes? I did at the University of Idaho. How could Obama skip through Columbia and Harvard without learning that?


August 10

Six Reasons Sarah Palin May Be Delaying Her Entry Into the Presidential Race. Number one reason? She’s the only GOP candidate who can wait. Five more are worth reading too.

August 11

You Can Expect the Unexpected Department:

Surprise: Palin’s bus tour to roll into Iowa this week:

After a nearly three-month hiatus, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is planning to crash the presidential party once again with a heartland-themed re-launch of her “One Nation” bus tour this week in Iowa, according to a Palin fundraising email obtained by CNN.

Palin is bringing her Constitution-themed bus to the Iowa State Fair, just 30 miles south of where the Republican presidential field will take the stage on Thursday for a presidential debate in Ames.

August 13

Riehl World View: Why Sarah Palin Needs To Run For President In 2012:

While always open to the idea of one day supporting Sarah Palin for president, since 2008, I’ve gone back and forth on whether or not I thought it was smart for her to run next year. Re-visiting my thoughts yesterday, what with Palin’s appearance in Iowa, not only am I convinced she should run, she needs to run and, regardless of one’s preferred candidate, all Conservatives should encourage her to run and welcome her into the race, assuming she does.

Put aside the purely Republican primary politics of it for a moment. Also, I’m not endorsing her, or anyone at this point. But what happened in Iowa yesterday was electric, not just for any Palin faithful, but for many Conservatives and especially the media. For better, or worse, Sarah Palin has star power — whatever that is. But she does have it; that’s for sure.


August 15

Palin Makes ABC Reporter Wait for Heifer. That would be Jake Tapper, which makes it even richer.

The Sincerest Form of Flattery Department:

Obama Makes Like Palin, Embarks on Bus Tour

Except hers is a tribute to the Constitution and his is a Batman-style black behemoth.

Palin at Facebook: A Humbling Reminder of Our Duty:

Now it’s back to Alaska for the start of the school year. (And, of course, our annual visit to our own state fair where Piper looks forward to clogging on the Blue Bonnet Stage!) While kids crack open their school books, I look forward to continuing my own writing and research on strategies and plans to help move our country forward.

We will be back on the road soon, for on September 3rd we’ve been invited to a big Tea Party “Restoring America” rally in Waukee, Iowa. We hope to see many of you there as we gather to discuss the direction of our country and the way forward with our fundamental restoration of all that is good and strong and free in America. You can click here for more information on the event.

August 16

Palin, Beck to appear together in St. Charles Oct. 7

The Huffington Post scoops a crucial story: Sarah Palin Rocks Polka Dots On Her Toe Nails

August 19

Palin Blasts Absentee President Obama: “What Does He Really Do? … 2012 Can’t Come Soon Enough!”

Sarah Palin hints at presidential bid on YouTube: Palin releases a YouTube video that coyly suggests her plans to announce her candidacy on September 3.


Sarah Palin Iowa Organizer: “She’ll Run”

Watch the Iowa Passion ad and tell us what you think! I’m betting yes.


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