
The Curious Narrative Surrounding Fauci’s Alleged West Nile Infection

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

You might have heard that Anthony Fauci has been allegedly stricken with an extremely rare viral infection and is recovering at home.

While perusing the corporate state media reporting on this, I noticed that they follow, to a tee, a formula:

  • Anthony Fauci got West Nile Virus because his publicist said so (no skepticism whatsoever)
  • Anthony Fauci is a Public Health™ hero who saved the country from COVID-19
  • Domestic terrorist Republicans don’t appreciate his service and want to kill him
  • Conspiracy theorists claim Fauci funded illicit gain-of-function research in China through NIAID that resulted in the pandemic, which is false because Fauci said so

RelatedCringe New Anthony Fauci Memoir to Hit Shelves

The intelligence services have been accused of manipulating controlled media for a very long time.

Via Helsinki Times (emphasis added):

During the Cold War, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) launched its Operation Mockingbird, which aimed to collect intelligence by bribing journalists and institutions around the world and affecting public opinion by manipulating news media.

Carl Bernstein, a famous American investigative journalist who unveiled the scandal in 1977, said that according to the plan, the CIA recruited journalists that were put on a payroll by the CIA and instructed to write "fake stories". The CIA admitted that at least 400 journalists and 25 large organizations around the world had secretly carried out assignments for the agency.

Look at the uniformity of these stories and tell me if the above is not seemingly exactly what is going on with this curious tale.

Via BBC (emphasis added):

Anthony Fauci, the face of the US government's response to the Covid pandemic, is recovering at home after being hospitalised with West Nile virus.

The immunologist and former chief medical adviser to the president was hospitalised with the mosquito-borne disease around 11 days ago and had fever, chills and fatigue.

He left hospital earlier in the week and is expected to make a full recovery, the BBC's US media partner CBS reports…

Dr Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, retired from public service in 2022.

He has previously said that he and his family receive death threats and now require round-the-clock security.

He has faced criticism from some over his handling of the Covid pandemic.

The leading immunologist was hauled in front of Congress earlier in the year by Republican politicians over accusations he attempted to obscure indirect US funding of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the lab in China some believe could be linked to the emergence of Covid-19.

Dr Fauci described the allegations as false, and said they were politically motivated due to his public disagreements with former President Donald Trump at the height of the pandemic.

Via The Guardian (emphasis added):

Anthony Fauci is recovering at home from a West Nile virus infection, a spokesperson told news outlets on Saturday…

Fauci retired from his role at the NIH in 2022 after achieving widespread recognition for his role in public health communication during the Covid-19 pandemic. He now serves as a distinguished professor at Georgetown University’s School of Medicine.

Despite his retirement from the NIH, House Republicans in June called Fauci for a heated hearing about his response to Covid-19. Republican lawmakers accused Fauci of covering up the origins of the virus. Fauci said the claims were “simply preposterous”.

Fauci told Congress at the time that he and his family still receive death threats.

Via Associated Press (emphasis added):

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former top U.S. infectious disease expert, spent time in the hospital after being infected with West Nile virus and is now recovering at home, a spokesperson confirmed Saturday

As chief White House medical adviser, Fauci was the public face of the U.S. government during the COVID-19 pandemic, a role that made him both a trusted voice to millions and also the target of partisan anger. He left the government in 2022 but was back before Congress in June to testify as part of Republicans’ yearslong investigation into the origins of COVID-19 and the U.S. response to the disease.

I found way more but omitted them here for the sake of brevity. Give it a try yourself; search-engine “Anthony Fauci West Nile,” click on any of the links from establishment media, and dollars to doughnuts the story will be shockingly similar with all of the talking points hit.


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