
European Diversity™ Hot Potato (Everybody’s Playing It!)

AP Photo/Renata Brito, File

“However greatly you might wish to benefit from an endless supply of cheap labour, a wider range of cuisine or the salving of a generation’s conscience, you still would not have a right to wholly transform your society. Because that which you inherited that is good should also be passed on. Even were you to decide that some of the views or lifestyles of your ancestors could be improved upon, it does not follow that you should hand over to the next generation a society that is chaotic, fractured and unrecognisable.”
 -Douglas Murray, The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam

(If you haven’t had the pleasure/horror of reading “The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam,” give it a go. It’s the definitive discourse on European replacement migration, the powers that drive it, and its devastating social, economic, and political consequences.)

If “diversity is our greatest strength,” as the mantra goes, the memo apparently never reached certain Eastern European states (Western Europe being fully given over to unfettered illegal migration).

          RelatedBBC Propaganda: Migrant Welcomed Into England, Learns What Racism Is

For something as sacred and vital to Democracy™ as Diversity™, Our Greatest Strength™, how odd that the nations of Europe take turns unloading such a valuable commodity onto each other like it’s radioactive?

Via Remix News (emphasis added):

Illegal migrants are becoming a concern not only at the eastern border but also at the western frontier of Poland. On Friday, a German police car reportedly crossed the border at the village of Osinów Dolny and left a family of immigrants from the Middle East on the Polish side. According to a reader of, two adults and three children got out of the parked police vehicle, approached passersby, and headed toward a major discount store. Local police soon arrived and Border Guards were informed.

Local media have been unable to determine whether the arrival of the German police was coordinated with Polish authorities or was an isolated incident.

Via DW (emphasis added):

Shortly after the European Union imposed successive rounds of sanctions on Belarus for a presidential election that the opposition denounced as fraudulent, thousands of Middle Eastern and African migrants began arriving at Belarus' border with Lithuania in the summer of 2021.

This sudden influx, which Poland and the Baltic states have accused Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko of coordinating together with Russia, expanded into a wider border crisis that is still ongoing three years later. Statistics from the three states neighboring Belarus show border guards have stopped some 150,000 illegal crossing attempts by migrants, overwhelmingly in Poland.

While I reserve a special respect for the cultural and political bounty of the West, from whence sprang the Renaissance and Enlightenment, I do not wish to see any civilization maimed by the nihilistic edicts of a maniacal multinational ruling class, replete with offshore villas and foreign bank accounts and WEF board positions, fully detached from the consequences of its policies — no more Thailand than Poland.

The richness of the diverse cultures of the world across borders and continents — true diversity — is anathema to the corporate state, which seeks to turn the entire world into a techno-plantation with a universal monoculture administered by technocrats who harbor a barely disguised seething hatred for the “useless eaters.”                  

Putting a black lesbian immigrant in charge of disseminating government propaganda (who can barely read, by the way) does not make for true diversity any more than sticking feathers up one’s butt makes one a chicken.

Democracy™ and Diversity™ as they are currently used are distortions of words and their meanings — mass-scale gaslighting — rendered by a monolithic state media machine that transcends borders and sneers at its consumers, whom it bathes in such gobbledygook.

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