Free Speech Win: Biden Administration Bid to Overturn Censorship Injunction Fails

AP Photo/Mindaugas Kulbis

Yesterday I reported at PJ Media that the Brandon entity had filed an appeal following a federal judge’s injunction against its widespread and unconstitutional social media censorship regime.


The injunction prohibits the federal government from censoring disfavored speech by coercing social media companies, either explicitly or implicitly threatening them with greater regulation and sending stooges like Biden out to demonize them — just as antithetical to the spirit of free expression championed by this country’s founders and as unconstitutional as direct censorship.

The appeal to the injunction, thanks to a lone federal Trump-appointed judge who held the line — presumably under immense pressure from various Deep State actors — has failed.

Via CBS:

A federal judge on Monday turned down a Justice Department request to temporarily pause an order that blocks top Biden administration officials and several agencies from contacting social media companies, rejecting the government’s claims that the injunction was too broad and threatened to chill lawful conduct.

U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty, appointed to the federal bench by former President Donald Trump, reiterated in a 13-page ruling denying the Justice Department’s request for a stay that Missouri and Louisiana were likely to succeed on the merits of their case against the Biden administration…

Missouri and Louisiana, he said, “are likely to prove that all of the enjoined defendants coerced, significantly encouraged, and/or jointly participated [with] social-media companies to suppress social-media posts by American citizens that expressed opinions that were anti-COVID-19 vaccines, anti-COVID-19 lockdowns, posts that delegitimized or questioned the results of the 2020 election, and other content not subject to any exception to the First Amendment. These items are protected free speech and were seemingly censored because of the viewpoints they expressed.


This little gem from the corporate state media’s coverage of the original injunction issued by the judge against the federal government censorship regime somehow slipped by me in the past week.

Via The New York Times:

Tuesday’s order… viewed the issue through the filter of partisan culture wars — asking whether the government violated the First Amendment by unlawfully threatening the social media companies to censor speech that Mr. Biden’s administration found distasteful and potentially harmful to the public.

Consider the tacit admission, as the straw-man they created of the First Amendment being a “culture war” issue goes unchallenged in the piece: Free speech is now a bona fide partisan wedge issue. Republicans, at least the ones not in leadership, cherish and champion free speech. Democrats openly suppress it by way of their partners in the corporate state media and the national security apparatus.


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