Biden Begs Bankers for $1 Billion Campaign Infusion

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Like the sad corporate slave that he is, Biden’s handlers recently sent him, hat in hand, to the multinational banker mafia to beg for an additional $1 billion to complement the cool billion he got handed last time around — in exchange for a solemn promise on his part that “nothing will fundamentally change” once elected president.


Via Financial Times (emphasis added):

Joe Biden is racing to win early support from Democratic donors for his re-election bid, hoping to beat the $1bn haul he landed in 2020 ahead of what some pundits predict will be the most expensive presidential race in US history.

Biden’s announcement this week that he intends to run for a second term in 2024 allowed his campaign team to start fundraising in earnest. Within hours of his declaration, they set about putting the finishing touches to a two-day event in Washington starting on Friday that will bring together Wall Street financiers and other backers, said people familiar with the matter.
The donor list includes many of those who helped fund his last campaign, the people said, including Blackstone’s Jon Gray, Evercore’s Roger Altman and Centerview’s Blair Effron. But his advisers are trying to expand the donor base to include backers who did not give money last time around, the people added.

Many donors are particularly energised by a determination to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House. Yet several warned that Biden would have to overcome much of the same scepticism that his candidacy generates among voters more generally, including concerns over his age and lacklustre approval ratings. Others raised concerns over what they see as his brand of populist economics and regular criticism of corporate America.


First of all, calling Biden a “populist” is hilariously stupid. But more to the point: why do these people have such antipathy for populism? Is it because they are the enemies of the people and everyone who hasn’t had their brain excavated by MSNBC knows they are enemies of the people?

The “nothing will fundamentally change” pledge hasn’t exactly worked out — for normal Americans.

Things have changed. The American middle class has been further decimated. Way more illegal aliens are permitted to cross the Southern border with no paper while, at least until the Public Health™ emergency ends May 11, unvaccinated American citizens still have to perform a PCR test to enter their own country. The list of offenses could go in ad infinitum.

Meanwhile, profits of the kind of multinational corporations like Blackrock that Biden is currently begging for money from have been doing just fine — which is what Biden really meant by “nothing will fundamentally change.”

In what future historians will recognize as the greatest period of wealth transfer possibly in history, Blackrock’s assets swelled to record highs during the pandemic while hundreds of thousands of American small businesses went under, never to recover.


To keep the gravy train rolling, all Blackrock has to do is toss a few scraps to its dog for being a good boy. There is no better return on investment than buying a politician.


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