A TikTok butterball played the world’s smallest violin for herself with a “series of videos that featured advice for plus-sized travelers.”
Via Insider:
Jae’lynn Chaney, a 26-year-old TikToker from Vancouver, Washington, with over 127,000 followers started making videos about her experience as a plus-size traveler in 2021, when she noticed there was very little advice for larger people who wanted to see the world.
“I often felt lost and in need of guidance, reassurance, and answers, but unfortunately, there wasn’t much out there to help me,” she told Insider. “I knew that I wasn’t alone in this experience, and I felt compelled to do something about it.
Not only was this manatee marginalized by normal person-sized airline seats, Insider explains, she was double-victimized by the pushback she received for her digital pity party:
In early 2022, Chaney uploaded many more videos about airline travel from the perspective of a plus-size person, including a post she shared in February about the most plus-size friendly aircraft, which blew up with over 1.7 million views, bringing with it a broader audience.
However, that same month, Chaney also began to receive many negative and abusive comments about her weight as more and more people came across her videos.
“The hate-filled and harassing comments on my videos have been particularly challenging to deal with,” Chaney told Insider. “Some commenters have used derogatory language and made violent threats towards me, suggesting that I’m promoting unhealthy habits and putting myself and others in danger. Others have gone as far as placing bets on when they think I will die.
The best bet to make would probably be “within the decade.” The lady has an oxygen tube, apparently, and she’s only 26.
This person is now demanding something like an FAA “Bill of Rights” for the fats.
Sign the petition here: https://t.co/V8L10cTUZq
— Jae’lynn Chaney (@JaeBaeOfficial) April 7, 2023
In what decent world would these people not rightly expect to be “bombarded with abuse” for their obscene #bodypositivity propaganda?
Why do outlets like Insider never publish the harrowing, traumatic experiences of airline passengers forced to sit next to these monstrosities, elbows compressed into their rib cages, struggling to draw into their lungs a full breath?
Related: Based Korean Subway Fat-shaming: A Model for the West
I’ve been accused of unnecessarily giving these people the oxygen they so clearly crave by reporting on their “body positivity” antics. Guilty as charged.
If they were honest about the negative health ramifications of their body fat percentage and displayed a modicum of humility in the process, I would be inclined to either ignore them or, if I did engage with their content, be kinder to them. Instead, they parade their physical degeneracy as if it’s a virtue.
Like my forebears, I view mocking fat people as a service to human evolution. It’s extremely difficult to reject the virtues of social Darwinism as a governing philosophy in the face of these absolute monsters. I can’t help but imagine them plodding through the forest with bow and arrow, scaring off every animal with half its senses from a mile off with each thundering step.
Even if one rejects evolution in favor of intelligent design (although I would argue they aren’t mutually exclusive), their existence should be considered an open mockery of God as well as nature.
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
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