Times are getting tough for entitled millennial women who grew up learning the ways of the slay queen, only to turn 35 and realize they’re careening down a slippery slope on the way to cat ladydom at an ever-quicker pace.
So, rather than examining their own neuroses and delusions that led them to be single and unfulfilled, the obvious solution is to fix the evil white men — the same ones whom they relentlessly demonize and demean and who now, for apparently inscrutable reasons, have little to no interest dating (often morbidly obese) harlots whose life mission seems to be to get as ugly inside and out as possible.
Via An Injustice!:
Following the US election, there is no denying the rise of nationalism. It seems that more and more white men in particular are spending time watching YouTube interviews which [radicalise them]…
…this isn’t to say that dating woke women will save the world, however I believe it is a start in correcting incel culture.
(The brackets are there because I had to fix this woman’s retarded grammar for her, which she apparently didn’t learn in her women’s and gender studies program.)
Pass. How about you? pic.twitter.com/Ee12LnAUK9
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) January 20, 2023
Imagine the narcissistic hubris to believe that, after what untold damage you and your ideological compatriots have wrought on the fabric of society, henpecking evil white men (while continuing to demonize them) is the sure path to reconciliation, not the exact way to push them further away.
Brooklyn (naturally this woman’s name is Brooklyn) goes on to list 5 stupid reasons to date “woke women,” which are not worth enumerating here. Read them if you want, whatever.
The rest of Brooklyn’s catalog is predictably about the “male gaze” and “mansplaining” and similar Social Justice™ sociological hallucinations that remind the male viewer what an ungodly disaster a dinner date would prove to be with this woman.
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