A New Low in Burning Stupidity


Just when you thought the Social Justice Warriors had dumbed-down the Anglosphere just about as far as they could, along comes this — starring Meryl Streep, no less:


A promotional campaign for the new Meryl Streep film Suffragette has become a PR nightmare thanks to T-shirts worn by Streep and her co-stars, which some say appear to lump the plight of white women in with the horrors endured by slaves. The shirts – worn by Streep, Carey Mulligan, Anne-Marie Duff and Romola Garai (all white women)–bear a quote from the suffragette Streep plays in the film, Emmeline Pankhurst: ‘I’d rather be a rebel than a slave.’

Critics have called the campaign tone deaf, in part because the T-shirts inevitably bring to mind the Confederacy by pairing the words ‘rebel’ and ‘slave’, but also because of the uneasy history between the feminist and black civil rights movements.

“‘Inevitable” to a moron, perhaps, whose tiny brain can’t grasp that words have multiple associations and even meanings, depending on context.

What’s more, some say the film’s all white cast unfairly contribute to the ‘white washing’ of the women’s suffrage movement, whose pioneers included more than just white women. Anger with the campaign can be seen most readily on Twitter, where users have lambasted it with posts ranging from humorous to outraged.


Imagine that — an “all-white cast” in a movie about Emmeline Pankhurst, and set around the turn of the last century in Britain. But historical accuracy is no barrier to the SJW’s invincible ignorance:

Critics of the T-shirts are also concerned with the lack of women of color in the film, which according to some is an all too real parallel with the tactics used by some suffragists to exclude people of color from their movement over fears they might hamper their chances to get the vote.

Someone needs to tell these people that the origin of the word “slave” is the word “Slav,” but then they would probably be outraged that there were no Slavs of color back in the day.  Bit by bit, western history is being put in the dock by people who only mean us harm.


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