Why Is Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) Running for the Democrat Nomination?

You know the fiction in which some politicians call themselves “independent,” but “caucus with the Democrats”? You know, like Joe Lieberman did, or Bernie Sanders does now. So how’s come they run on the Democrat ticket when it suits them? Anthony Weiner, aka Mr. Huma Abedin, aka Carlos Danger, spots the problem in the punchbowl:


Apart from the Donald Trump sideshow, one of the biggest stories in the presidential election this past week has been the apparent momentum Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) is enjoying in his underdog campaign. Sanders has been drawing crowds of thousands at his rallies and is quickly becoming the main primary rival of Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. I totally get Bernie Mania. However, I’m deeply conflicted about it. My wife works for Hillary so there’s that. But I’m also torn because I don’t really understand what he is doing.

I served with Bernie and he is my kind of politician — a progressive guy with some New York City attitude. It’s hard not to love Bernie Sanders. The Brooklyn accent perfected at Madison High School and Brooklyn College and the rumpled mad scientist look are perfect compliments to his colorful and unyielding presentations.

Still, I have one major question for Bernie. What exactly does he think he’s doing in a Democratic presidential primary? Why is he asking for the nomination of a party he always avoided joining?


And if you don’t think this story was planted by the Hillary! campaign, you were born yesterday. Meanwhile, what makes anybody think Donald Trump is a Republican, by the way? Can’t anybody here play this game?

And be sure to read:

What’s Really Behind Bernie Sanders’ Boom? | Ron Radosh


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