GA Mom Arrested, Shackled for Son's Unexcused School Absences

Despite the fact that her son was just recognized as Student of the Month, Julie Giles was arrested because he “had too many unexcused absences from school.”


Her fourth grade son, Samuel, “missed 12 days for illness – double the amount the school district allows.” So they decided to…throw mom in jail? “Giles is by no means the only parent sent to court for not working with the district, Screven County Schools Superintendent William Bland said, noting court was ‘a last resort.'”

The story comes not long after a Missouri student was sent home with a note for her mother, criticizing her lunch-making skills. Who knew it was the job of a public school district to police parents? Aren’t they busy enough wrestling with federal and state governments for those almighty testing-based dollars? I mean, I know the focus isn’t on teaching, but shackling parents over a lack of doctor’s notes takes it to a new, lame height.

Is it any wonder, then, that:

According to information from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the number of homeschooled students between the ages of 5 and 17 has increased dramatically over the last decade, soaring 61.8 percent. The data also indicates that the more educated the parents, the more likely they are to homeschool their children.

Add “staying out of prison” to the list of reasons to explore alternative education options.


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