[VIDEO] CNN: 'Our Policy Not to Show Potentially Offensive Images of the Prophet'

While reporting from the ravaged offices of French magazine Charlie Hebdo, CNN host Carol Costello informs the audience that the news company, unlike the murdered employees of Charlie Hebdo, has a policy not to show images of Mohammed that may be offensive.



COSTELLO: “CNN will not show you the new cover which depicts the Prophet Mohammed because it is our policy not to show potentially offensive images of the prophet. Jim Sciutto is with me again this morning. He’s at ‘Charlie Hebdo’s’ offices in Paris. They remained closed but as I said the magazine lives on. Three million copies will be up for sale tomorrow. On the magazine’s cover the Prophet Mohammed holding up a sign with a now famous slogan ‘Je Suis Charlie.’ The cover illustration also includes the words, ‘Everything is Forgiven.’ Jim, I imagine people are waiting in line to buy this magazine.”

SCIUTTO: “Well, Carol, you know, we talked a lot about that enormous show of public support on Sunday. The march through Paris and around the country. More than three million people. All those world leaders showing courage and defiance, speaking with one voice, ‘Je Suis Charlie.’ I think today with the publication of this latest edition of the magazine, yet again with more satire on the cover, we’re seeing the second powerful chapter in this story here. Typical print run is 60,000 copies. Today three million copies. Fifty times. So on Sunday, you have more than three million people in the street showing that courage and that defiance. Today and tomorrow you’re going to have three million copies of this magazine with a similar message there. And I think this is something that the French hold very dear, not just freedom of expression, but perhaps the ability to offend at times or to protect the rights of their journalists, their comedians, their art, to offend, to not draw hard lines like that. And I think that in this publication and, again, in what is expected here to be tremendous demand to purchase this publication, you’re seeing that message delivered very clearly, Carol. And it’s not just defiance, though I will say as we stand once again in front of the memorial here by the ‘Charlie Hebdo’ offices, you see every moment people coming by just to spend a couple of minutes of quiet reflection to show their support for the 12 victims — the 12 victims here, of course 17 in total, in those attacks last week. It is still a somber mood in this country — Carol.”



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