Credit: Drudge Report
At this writing, Drudge Report has our contest photo front and center with the boldfaced headline:
Drudge links to Reuters with the headline:
“Obama to act unilaterally on immigration, irking Republicans.”
Then, here at PJ Tatler, be sure to read Bryan Preston’s piece with all the background behind our beloved king, emperor, dictator, fuhrer, president’s amnesty plan announcement with the potential to “launch another Civil War.” (This quote is from another Drudge link to World News Daily. We are all about sensationalism here at our PJ Media caption contests!)
Speaking of Obama causing a Civil War, be sure to read J. Christian Adams’ “Obama, Our Modern John C. Calhoun.”
But for now, your mission is to caption the photo and write “thought bubbles” for those sickly thin and weak-looking pet eagles that obviously belong to Pajama Boy. (Our king is too weak to lift REAL AMERICAN EAGLES.)
So while you are having some fun with all that, click to the next page for the winners of our last contest, “Koala Bear Clings to Obama Like Republicans Cling to Their Guns and Religion.” (My favorite caption contest title of all time.)
RockThisTown was the grand prize winner with:
Just for showing up, Obama is awarded a No-bear Peace Prize.
KUCE also won a grand prize for this hilarious trio:
Koala: Hey, what’s not to like? I’m an immigrant and I’m a vegetarian.
Obama finds success with Koala where he fails with Russian Bear.
Barack – Impressive. I haven’t seen claws like these since I met Michelle.
Cfbleachers won with:
Obama–He’s kinda got a bewildered blank stare, I’m going to name him Biden
Special Announcement: For this contest ONLY, we are breaking our one and only rule, “Be nice and stay classy.” We figure since our King is breaking all the rules he is sworn to uphold, that means we can break all our rules too.
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