Battleground Texas Operative: The Election Was Stolen!

The Texas Tribune published this post mortem on Battleground Texas and its role in Wendy Davis’ spectacular defeat.

It’s a good piece, but some of the comments are hilarious.


This one, from a self-described Battleground Texas ground operative, is so good it ought to be framed.


Unfortunately for her, drugs weren’t legalized in Texas.

This one is good too. But…how does “redistricting” explain a statewide result, let alone a whole bunch of statewide results, which were consistently for Republicans and against Democrats?


Some people use words, having no idea what those words mean.

Was Maryland “redistricted” into voting Republican too?

In the real world, no poll of recent vintage or any reputation showed Davis or any other Democrat anywhere near winning in Texas. They weren’t even showing up as competitive. And they lost.

She isn’t alone, though. Several commenters over there blame the Texas Democrats’ gargantuan loss on the voter ID law or something other than their own fault and their party’s policies and actions. That ignores a whole lot, including the last 20-odd years of Texas history.

Which, when you recall that most of Battleground Texas’ operatives aren’t from around here, makes a lot of sense.


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