Things Are So Bad, Obama Wants to Talk About the Economy


President Barack Obama tried on Thursday to turn the spotlight on the economy, the issue U.S. voters care about most ahead of November midterm elections, making the case that his policies have steered the country away from the brink of collapse and laid a foundation for growth.

It’s the second take for a strategy that the White House rolled out in June, only to have its optimistic message drowned out by crises in Iraq, Syria, Ukraine and western Africa.

While he said his speech was not political, Obama sought to contrast Democratic policies with those of Republicans, arguing he needs the Senate to stay in Democrats’ hands in November elections to accomplish economic goals like raising the minimum wage, retraining workers for better jobs and spending more on infrastructure projects.


By all means, in the midst of the Ebola and terrorism concerns, let’s focus on miring workers in low-paying jobs by making them slightly less low paying.

Does this guy have any adults working for him?

Manipulated jobs numbers are all he’s got at the moment. He can’t, however, do any crafty accounting to make ISIS or Ebola go away, so it makes sense he wants to shift the narrative away from the pressing problems.

It is also rather pathetic that he thinks he can.


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