NY Times Best Seller List Ignoring New David Limbaugh Book, Despite Sales Numbers

Common Core math?

There they go again.

The New York Times Book Review, which has a history of belatedly recognizing conservative bestsellers, has banished conservative legal author David Limbaugh’s latest, Jesus on Trial, from its upcoming best seller list despite having sales better than 17 other books on the list.

According to publishing sources, Limbaugh’s probe into the accuracy of the Bible sold 9,660 in its first week out, according to Nielsen BookScan. That should have made it No. 4 on the NYT print hardcover sales list.

Instead, Henry Kissinger’s World Order, praised by Hillary Clinton in the Washington Post, is No. 4 despite weekly sales of 6,607.

As Secrets wrote about a similar banishment early in the sales of conservative Dinesh D’Souza’s America, the Gray Lady is mysterious in how it calculates its list. A spokeswoman said, “We let the rankings speak for themselves and are confident they are accurate.”

The September 28 list of the top 20 print hardcover best sellers includes one book that sold just 1,570 copies.


It must be galling for the Times to have to constantly deal with the fact that, year in and year out, conservative authors dominate the Best Seller list. This, despite their nonstop marginalizing of conservative thought. Now if only we voted as well as we bought books.

J. Christian Adams posted a review of the book on PJ Media earlier in the week, and I just taped an interview with David that will be up soon on PJTV.

You can purchase “Jesus On Trial” here.


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